Semi Hydro discs help

DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,034
edited October 2016 in Workshop
My Genesis CDF has semi hydro discs and the braking on the front is weak - the lever doesn't bottom out on the bar but it just doesn't seem to stop the bike very well at all.

Can anyone give me a brief checklist of things I should work through to get this thing working as it should ?
[Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]


  • Does it have compressionless cables?

    Is your caliper set up correctly (meaning the rotor is fully in contact with the pads)?

    Are your pads new and need a bit of bedding in?
    left the forum March 2023
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,034
    OK thanks will check cables but they are the ones it came with so I would guess not but the rear works pretty well with same cables.

    Pads aren't new so would have bedded in but not old enough to be worn - was wondering if they'd been glazed/contaminated and whether that could be remedied by light sanding ? Rear pads were replaced as they went missing in an accident - whoever put the bike in a car when I went to hospital which I assume was my wife lost them when they took the wheel out so they may not be the same type. It's possible the bike has also been left upside down when that happened could that be a problem with hydraulic brakes - worth bleeding them ?

    Will have a look at the rotor - I haven't adjusted it since purchase but I guess that doesn't mean it is straight.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    It would be useful to know what calipers they are.

    Were they once working and now they aren't?

    Cleaning the pads up or, better still, replacing the pads then doing the proper bedding-in process will be important.
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,034
    TRP Spyre on a 2015 Croix de Fer 20. Out of the box I found the brakes a little underwhelming but they seemed to get worse over the month I had it before getting rear ended by a car.

    I got a shop to fix the damage and that included the new rear pads which seems to have made the rear brake better than it was so I guess that points to the pads being the problem. However the impression I get is that the front is worse even than it was - I've not ridden it for 6 months so could be wrong but either way it's pretty poor and definitely not giving me the kind of power some of you seem to be getting from those brakes.

    I'll give the pads a clean up and see what happens - suppose I could swop the rear to the front and see what happens - assuming that is possible it would tell me if the pads are the issue or not.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • TRP Spyre on a 2015 Croix de Fer 20.

    Spyre are not semi-hydro, they are conventional mechanical disc brakes. Might have contaminated pads or poor caliper alignment
    left the forum March 2023
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    TRP Spyre on a 2015 Croix de Fer 20.

    Spyre are not semi-hydro, they are conventional mechanical disc brakes. Might have contaminated pads or poor caliper alignment

    Yes this or glazed pads: if not bedded in properly, they gradually get worse - I think it's a bit of a viscous circle.

    My advice would be as I suggested before: get new (suggest organic) pads and do the set up from scratch including a proper bedding-in process. Also give the disc a good clean before putting on the new pads.
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,034
    OK they aren't spyre they are HyRd. Will try the pads
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    OK they aren't spyre they are HyRd. Will try the pads

    That makes more sense. With the HyRd it's important to use the lever pin when setting up the cable tension. I think it's covered well enough in the manual but it is a really important step to be sure they operate correctly. My LBS screwed this up and I found myself on the 12% bit of the Alpe with no front brake...

    ETA - this won't be the cause of your issue but it's key to changing the pads.
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH