Overshoes for Summer

spam02 Posts: 178
edited October 2016 in Road buying advice
A bit late in the season for this (but looking forward to next summer already :D ). Does anyone have any recommendations for overshoes suitable for use during the summer months? I want something that will withstand a typical short sharp Summer shower than the normal prolonged cold/wet Winter weather.
I'm not particularly looking for something to keep my feet warm (likely to make them sweat anyway), so would preferably like something a bit lighter.
Thanks in advance.


  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    A million and one threads on this (try a search), and you will get a dozen different recommendations, but for me DHB ones have always been good.

    I only use them for warmth though, since none will keep you dry.

    Therefore, for me at least, overshoes only come out late Autumn to early Spring (irrespective of wetness/dryness).
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    You'll not keep the water out properly as you've two great holes at the top....

    If the material is waterproof then you'll be sweating.

    Much better just getting on with it and if you're lucky your feet will dry out as you go.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    PS whatever you choose, please please please don't choose any of those awful Rapha style bright pink or neon style ones.

    Just get black, and at least your self respect will be intact.
  • spam02
    spam02 Posts: 178
    Fenix wrote:
    You'll not keep the water out properly as you've two great holes at the top....

    If the material is waterproof then you'll be sweating.

    Much better just getting on with it and if you're lucky your feet will dry out as you go.

    It's more for the commute than other rides (maybe I should have asked about this in Commuting) so I don't have to put shoes back on that are still wet/damp at the end of the day to ride home.
    People in my office don't realise how inconsiderate they are being by stopping me from putting the heating on occasionally during the summer to dry out my wet shoes properly :wink:

    I have used my normal winter overshoes on a few occasions during the Summer, which have mostly kept the rain out but cooked my feet. Nevermind, I just wondered if a lighter overshoe existed.
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/32180489 ... 225&crdt=0

    Any use ?

    Would you wear your overshoes all of the time though - just in case it rains ?

    You might be better off shoving some newspaper in and taking it out at lunchtime.
  • spam02
    spam02 Posts: 178
    Fenix wrote:

    Any use ?

    Would you wear your overshoes all of the time though - just in case it rains ?

    You might be better off shoving some newspaper in and taking it out at lunchtime.

    Actually, the dryers might not be a bad solution.

    No, like a rain jacket I'd keep overshoes in my bag just in case.
    Newspaper does the trick sometimes, but I tend to be out of the office a lot, so don't always get the opportunity to take it out/put more in to enable my shoes to dry.
    I might give that shoe heater a try with a timer plug. If it's pants at least it's not cost too much. ta.
  • lakesluddite
    lakesluddite Posts: 1,337
    These claim to be waterproof, given they are latex - plus they fit flush to your leg and therefore there should be no ingress via the shin.


    Only trouble is they are a massive pain in the a-hole to get on and off, and they are fragile - I split a pair the first time I tried to use some. Never used since.