New Fuji Gran Fondo 1.3 or three year old De Rosa 838

olet Posts: 5
edited October 2016 in Road buying advice

Currently I have a 20 year old Olagnero Racer with Campagnolo Veloce. Recently I have taken it out for some great rides and now I have deiced to buy a new and more up-to date bike.

I have been looking around and have come to the conclusion I would like a bike with Carbon frame so I have mainly been focusing on that.
I hoped to find some good deals for 2016-models or a used bike which is not too old.

Now I have found two candidates which matches my "great first impression"-feelings and my budget. However looking at just the bikes you could argue they don't have much in common. I hope some of you would have some good points or advices anyways.

1. Fuji Gran Fondo 1.3.
New bike
Shimano 105

2. De Rosa 838
Used bike
Have been riding for about 3.000 miles
Campagnolo Chorus groupset (with a new Athena 11-speed cassette and a new chain)

They will cost me almost the same - the Fuji slightly cheaper but is without pedals. So I assume the price difference will be max 100 USD.

I expect to be using the bike almost all year (including the winter seasons). Mainly to and from work (11-12 miles) and in weekends (I guess about 12 - 24 miles).

Every advice and points to consider will by appreciated :-)
