New high-spec touring / commuting bike advice

Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
edited October 2016 in Road buying advice
So, since I'm looking at spending a good wedge on a lovely, hand built affair, I want some advice.

I fancy a touring-style bike, but it needs to be nice. Preferably steel, and I LOVE the idea of asking Curtis to knock out a T45 steel road frame and forks.

I could be pursuaded for Ti too, but if I'm touring and it breaks (I'm a bit of a fatty....) it would be WAY harder to repair.

I'd like MTB spacings for wheels, and disc mounts too, so I can build with Chris King hubs and some CX type wheels.

Any suggestions... I'm open to all at the moment!

Oh, and finally, where is best to get accurately measured to fit for a bike? I've got a 2008 56cm Specialised Tarmac, which I love, but it's a bit cramped. However, I especially love the long carbon seat tube - it takes out SO much road buzz!

Thanks in advance,

Boo-yah mofo
Sick to the power of rad
Fix it 'till it's broke


  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    To be honest, your requirements don't sound too niche and any decent builder should be able to accommodate them, and there are a lot of builders out there.

    Were you thinking about a UK builder or open to overseas (although I appreciate that with the exchange rate as it is, that's got a load more expensive)? If UK, then I'd make a long list of potential builders - a search on here will probably turn up 20 or so! Then narrow them down (by whatever criteria you feel works) to your preferred 3 or 4 and give them a ring...

    They'll sort out the fit and measurement, provided you can visit so I wouldn't worry too much about that. They'll be able to advise on the geometry etc - there are other ways to dial out road buzz than a really long seatpost for example.

    Personally, I'd always had a hankering for an Indy Fab (ever since seeing a Fat Chance Yo Eddy in MBUK in the early 90's I guess) so that's what I went for... found a good shop who (at the time) had a good relationship with them and between me, the shop and Indy Fab we designed my CX / Winter / Touring / General Riding Out bike...
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    To be honest, it would definitely have to be a British frame built. I'd love the idea of a custom Curtis - something I've lusted after for YEARS. Preferably in T45 too...

    However, Ti has a certain appeal too. I've heard nothing but love from it's users - although it seems partially in it's own cult following! Haha. I just don't know too much as this stage, but for sure, British frame and forks as a minimum.

    My whole build won't be a cheap one - but a tough, and generally lovely build. Chris King wheelset, headset and BB, Ultegra groupset, some mechanical discs for sure - a shame Hope Tech don't do any! General lovliness in the build really - stuff perhaps not usually associated with getting a touring beat-down. But, it's a passion and one of my few vices. So why not spend a few of my hard earned £££!

    The single biggest, and most difficult decisions are the frame and fork, and the wheelset. Most other stuff isn't too custom, and can be changed much more cheaply!

    I should probably say at this point, it would be for semi-lightweight touring and commuting. I'd anticipate between 50-100 miles daily weather dependant when touring, and all-year commuting. Maintenance isn't something that frightens me. Or the associated costs.... :O

    Thanks all!
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke