What's in your saddle bag?

neil h
neil h Posts: 499
edited September 2016 in Road buying advice
I'm sure this has probably been asked before but searching for anything tool related on here is problematic at best, so i'll ask.

I've just started riding again and i need to buy some 'get me home' type bits to keep in a saddle bag/tool bottle. So far I'm thinking i need:
-a couple of spare tubes
-self adhesive tyre patches (just in case)
-a couple of tyre levers
-multi tool (e.g a leatherman and/or allan key set)
-spare chain link

So is there anything I've forgotten?



  • I now carry a disposable glove in there too after seeing it suggested on here, greasy hand + anything other than black bar tape isn't good.
  • Pretty much what the OP said but a single tube as my bag is a small one.

    On longer rides I'll take two tubes though.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • grenw
    grenw Posts: 804
    CO2 canister/nozzle - far quicker and easier than a pump. Cash
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Pretty much what you list plus:

    emergency cash
    pair of disposable gloves
    Park tyre boot patches
    Very thin windproof / showerproof jacket (screws up to the size of a satsuma and weighs bugger all) - you can get very cold very quickly if you've been working hard and suddenly find yourself stranded at the side of the road
  • Couple of cable ties - never know when you might need one
  • I always carry Co2 as well as a pump, Wiggle Co2 inflators/canisters are dirt cheap. Ideal for getting proper pressure into the tyre when you want to get on the move very quickly, pump as back up.
  • Depends how far you're going and how remote as to what will 'get you home'

    In the summer, on good roads, I don't carry a saddle bag. One tube and a pump in my pocket. The bike is pretty well maintained, so things don't 'just break'. If they do, its so rare that I'm happy to take the hit on public transport home.

    On my commuter / winter / tourer I leave a saddle bag on with:
    -two tubes,
    - levers,
    - gloves,
    - multi tool,
    - missing link,
    - chain breaker (pump in pocket),
    -cable ties.

    I carry the extras just because the consequences on a winter / tour type ride are worse. It's also a harder to keep up with maintenance over the commute. Saying that, I've only ever used tyre levers and tubes. Having a saddle bag on the winter bike makes room for spare clothes in my pockets.

    I tend to carry a bank note, bank card, phone and extra layer in my pockets, but I guess you could get a bigger saddle bag and put them in there.

    I see some people carrying around no end of stuff in their saddle bags, and just think they should look after their bike a little better.

    neil h wrote:
    -self adhesive tyre patches (just in case)
    I've never found these work, could just be me. Two tubes should cover you in all but the most remote places, you can pick a spare tube up from a shop if needs be.
    neil h wrote:
    -multi tool (e.g a leatherman and/or allan key set)
    -spare chain link
    No point having a spare link without a chain tool (could be in the leatherman)

    CO2 canisters I've dabbled with. However, if you're carrying two tubes, then you'll want two canisters, at which point point you may as well have a pump which never runs out.
  • step83
    step83 Posts: 4,170
    Bag has this lot

    2X CO2 cans and nozzle
    Park tools patch kit (because small)
    Spare latex tube
    Disposable gloves
    Spare energy tab

    I have a pump inside the seatpost, multi tool attaches to the bottle cage an the chain breaker and links mount in the headset. Once I get a new phone ill be able to downsize the saddle bag.
    Most people carry it in their jersey but apparently im weird having it in the saddle pack. My thinking is if you come off an land on your back your going to damage the phone which you may need to call for help. least the saddle bag offers a degree of protection.
  • Two punctured tubes and a used CO2 canister.
  • Two punctured tubes and a used CO2 canister.

    Always useful, an empty CO2
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • 47p2
    47p2 Posts: 329
    Rule #29
  • drlodge
    drlodge Posts: 4,826
    Carry a pump - always - and one CO2 canister. Pump the tyre up most of the way, then top up with CO2. One canister will then do 2 tyres. Otherwise what's been mentioned above, except I carry an inner tube for no good reason as I'm running tubeless.
    WyndyMilla Massive Attack | Rourke 953 | Condor Italia 531 Pro | Boardman CX Pro | DT Swiss RR440 Tubeless Wheels
    Find me on Strava
  • - 2 spare tubes
    - valve extenders (in case i'm using my deep sections)
    - patches
    - pedros tyre levers
    - disposable gloves
    - multitool

    Used to carry CO2 canisters but I've had so many fail on me, I just carry a mini pump in my back pocket or attached to the frame on my commuter/winter bike.
  • neil h
    neil h Posts: 499
    47p2 wrote:
    Rule #29

    :lol: That's why I said tool bottle. Granted I'm being a bit of a bike tart but I'm really not a big fan of saddle bags.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    2 x tubes
    2 x Co2 canisters and Co2 pump head
    Self adhesive patches
    2 x tyre levers
    Multi tool
    KMC split link

    I stick a mini pump in my jersey pocket just in case of a worse case scenario.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • Just found this thread as it was mentioned in another thread. I've got loads of stuff in my saddle bag. From memory:

    3 x tyre levers
    2 x CO2 canisters
    CO2 Inflator
    A Lezyne multitool that has a chain breaker on it
    Disposbale gloves
    Wet wipes
    2 x inner tubes
    A Lezyne mini pump (this is actually attached to the outside of the saddle bad via an elastic loop
    A rear light on the rear-facing side of the saddle bag
    Flatboy patch kit
    My phone goes into the bag too if I wear a top with no back pockets on it
    Some other stuff that I can't remember!

    I know it's way too much and the bag is quite heavy with all that stuff in it.