Which day is the most dangerous for cycling?

rumbataz Posts: 796
edited October 2016 in Road general
I nominate Sunday. Drivers are completely unaware of cyclists on Sundays. I always have my worst and most dangerous moments on Sundays. I guess many drivers are still drunk or drugged up, lack concentration and are distracted.

Which day is the worst for road cycling for you?


  • fat daddy
    fat daddy Posts: 2,605
    Friday's .... The commute home is nuts, cars, cyclists, pedestrians ... They all have a death wish and an urgency that defies logic
  • awavey
    awavey Posts: 2,368
    its the Monday after the clocks go back
  • Christmas Day
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • Aside of peak hours week days Sunday's, old folk who drive once a week come out to visit the local garden centre for dinner. Nutters.
  • May day.
    My blog: http://www.roubaixcycling.cc (kit reviews and other musings)
    Facebook? No. Just say no.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 27,825
    The day you get hit.
    Could be any day.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • AK_jnr
    AK_jnr Posts: 717
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Friday when all the idiots are eager to get out to the pubs and clubs and try impressing their mates. That's after you've battled with the stressed up drivers on their journey home from a week of work.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Things seem to happen Saturday afternoons...
  • Doctor Dre Day.

    Anytime when roads are busy and/or pedestrians everywhere. Cars everywhere to a point where you're forced to ride on the pavement.
  • Chummy
    Chummy Posts: 4
    edited September 2016
    Monday to Sunday, the rest are fine.
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    Most of my cycling has to be on Sundays. I only notice change in the run up to Xmas when drivers get a but more frantic
  • diamonddog
    diamonddog Posts: 3,426
    Everyday, idiot drivers are always present and I encounter them every ride.
  • alex222
    alex222 Posts: 598
    edited September 2016
    Any working day when you're battling with cars commuting to or from work
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    I've thought about this a lot over the years, and Saturdays seem to be the worst - possibly because daytime (9-4ish) traffic is heaviest on a Saturday - I don't ride weekday "rush hour" which I guess would be the next worst time.

    But on a day-for-day basis, mid-morning, I find Saturday to be by a long way the worst - not just the volume of cars, but the attitudes and driving styles.

    Incidentally, I happened to be out mid afternoon the other day on a week day, and at around 3pm the roads started heaving - I thought it must be 5ish - people seem to finish earlier and earlier these days. I don't finish work till 6-6:30. 3pm would be a half day for me!
  • stevewj
    stevewj Posts: 227
    any day in the week leading up to Christmas
  • diamonddog
    diamonddog Posts: 3,426
    edited September 2016
    Secteur wrote:
    Incidentally, I happened to be out mid afternoon the other day on a week day, and at around 3pm the roads started heaving - I thought it must be 5ish - people seem to finish earlier and earlier these days. I don't finish work till 6-6:30. 3pm would be a half day for me!
    It's the school run time, absolute nightmare :shock:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    In my experience there is no worst day but each day has its worst times.
    (Estimated times)
    Monday - 0730 - 0900 - Commuting traffic after the weekend
    Every week day - 1500 - 1600 - Schools finished and the Moms in Chelsea tractors brigade and School buses - JDGAF
    Friday 1700 - 1900 Same as Monday morning in reverse.
    Saturday lunchtime - Shoppers
    Sunday - Generally the best time is morning but as it gets later it seems to get worse. 1700 - 2000 seems a funny time with lots of distance commuters hitting the road or truck drivers.

    I try to avoid the times above as a rule unless its the only time I can get out. Best to avoid the di ckheads
  • Sunday morning are usually the safest and quietest. However avoid built up areas after 11am on Sunday as that's when the once a week drivers tend to venture out to the garden centre etc.
  • School run time is the worst for idiotic driver behaviour, Tuesday commute in is the worst for weight of traffic.

    Can't really explain the Tuesday thing though, but it always seems to be the case for me
  • At commuting times, Thursday is worst. Don't know why.
  • School run time is the worst for idiotic driver behaviour,
    Absolutely definitely 100% agree with this.
  • end of rush hour, when desperation strikes.
  • hsiaolc
    hsiaolc Posts: 492
    Saturday and Sunday are the worst.

    Then it is anything after 6:30 pm on week days.
  • vimfuego
    vimfuego Posts: 1,783
    "Tit Monday" surely.
    So many distractions ;-)
    Surrey Hills
    What's a Zwift?
  • Would agree with Sunday after what happened a week Sunday ago. I have lost 4 teeth, have a massive gash on my chin which I had to have surgery on and have lost all feeling in. :(

    It was a beautiful clear day too, and was 2 mins from home. Silly old woman!