Being offered a bike with a dent - advice gratefully received

rflook Posts: 72
edited September 2016 in Road buying advice

I purchased a bike online for £2000. The shop have been mugging me off with delays for a bit so I contacted them today. Seems they were supposed to contacted me but an internal message didnt seem to go to the right person. Anyway, they told me that they were supposed to contact me as there was some damage to the frame and forks and wanted to know how I wanted to proceed. I have included the images below and were wondering what people think about the situation. My gut feeling is to ask for a discount but I wouldnt even know how much to ask for so would be very grateful for any advice.



  • UPDATE: Asked for a discount to be offered and they said no because the bike was heavily discounted as it is. The forks are being replaced completely however
  • Have the whole bike replaced then.
    Trek,,,, too cool for school ,, apparently
  • I wouldn't accept it. Unless the bike is the only one left in your size in the country I would ask for a discount or if not full refund and they can keep it. It's discounted because it's the time of year when most 2016 bikes are discounted. it's not discounted because it's damaged and you shouldn't have to accept it in that condition.
  • svetty
    svetty Posts: 1,904
    The image you post does only show cosmetic marking IMO - but it still shouldn't be there. You can reject it if you feel that the deal as now offered isn't accceptable to you.

    Nice Giant track-pump btw :)
    FFS! Harden up and grow a pair :D
  • I wouldn't accept that on a new bike discount or not, but I'm a fussy bu&&er!
  • send it back, refund; It's just plain dangerous to ride a bike with damage like that.
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    That fork doesn't look good - so glad that was changed. No idea about the frame - no pics ?
  • Is that on the chain stay? Hard to tell. It only looks cosmetic but it would bug me forever.
    Just return it.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • The dent is on the top tube. It is the last one in stock and was a reduction from 4500 to 2000 (end of line stock). Annoying since they already took my cash
  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    Don't accept it.

    Ok, so it's heavily reduced and will get marked through use, but it's obviously taken quite a whack to have caused damage to the forks to warrant replacing them, not to mention the chip on the top tube.
  • I'm not seeing pics of the forks (although it seems that's not an issue) but the "dent" looks very much like it is just a lacquer chip, and as such won't affect the structural integrity of the frame. You'll likely get worse on the driveside chainstay the first time you hit a significant bump & the chain slaps around a bit.

    I think the chip looks like it would be pretty easy to spot-fill with clearcoat to make it a lot less obvious.
  • £50-100. Providing the carbon is not soft that looks like paint chip. I'd reject it though, shouldn't have to chase the shop when spending £2k, poor service is generally reserved for when you've received the goods.
  • Just wanted to say a big thank you for all the advice. Spent a few hours finding possible alternatives and found a couple of decent bikes with decent discounts. Going to phone the shop on monday and speak to the manager about this. Didn't pay for a bike which was end of line AND broken. If they don't give me something as a goodwill gesture then I will take my business elsewhere.