Rollerboys Derailleur Pulleys
Posts: 493
I've just installed a pair of Rollerboys BDP-12 Derailleur Pulleys on a 105 11 speed mech. When I took the old Shimano pulleys off the bottom one (not the guide pulley) had small chamfers to the trailing edge of the teeth. According to the box instructions for the Rollerboys the pulley with the chamfers goes at the top (the guide pulley). Can anyone tell me is that correct? As it seems they are the wrong way around. - Thanks
Can't answer your question, but just for entertainment purposes for others, one of the 5* Wiggle reviews says:
"Significantly reduces friction when pedaling on my 105-5700 drivetrain. The improvement was obvious, while it does not make me faster but it was less tiring on downstrokes, less muscle strain. Original 105-5700 jockeys do not have bearings in them, hence higher friction"