Carbon fibre paint chip from chain

taksdd Posts: 17
edited September 2016 in Workshop
Chain on my bike dropped and because someone was pedalling it got stuck between smallest chainring and CF frame. The paint chipped in one place and there is a half mm scratch in another place..

What is the chance that it damaged the carbon fibre? In the chip thing the carbon fibre is exposed.. The CF looks intact though.

I am thinking between covering this with Alderite and humbrol model enemel


Covering it with clear nail polish..



  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    I'd say no chance that its damaged the CF.

    If you think it might happen again - put some helicopter tape on it ?
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    taksdd wrote:

    I am thinking between covering this with Alderite and humbrol model enemel

    If you mean 'Araldite' - why on earth would you want to cover it with a high strength adhesive, which may contain chemical agents that react with the CF? Not sure what you expect to achieve with that. Just paint it (or even leave it, it won't matter) and move on.
  • Imposter..

    This is a solution that I found on google..

    Others include covering it up with clear nail varnish.

  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Finding it on google does not necessarily make it the sensible thing to do. Using Araldite for something which could be just as easily accomplished by nail varnish or Humbrol enamel does seem a little pointless though..
  • Imposter would nail varnish be safe then? :) Or Humbrol Enemel?

  • drlodge
    drlodge Posts: 4,826
    Humbrol enamel paint is ideal for touching up. If you want to build up the chip so the surface is smooth, then may be epoxy resin but personally I wouldn't bother.

    Apply paint with a cocktail stick.
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  • My slight concern is that Humbrol may somehow react with carbon fibre resin? as the primer was scratched off
  • svetty
    svetty Posts: 1,904
    Any paint - Humbrol or otherwise - contains some solvents. Water is a solvent. I suspect you have a latent perception of CF as being much more delicate and sensitive than it is. Araldite - aka an epoxy resin - would probably act OK as a filler but there is no need to fill the void before painting so just stick some paint - aka Humbrol on it and relax :)
    FFS! Harden up and grow a pair :D
  • When i worked on CF panels, araldite was used for some repairs. Along with car body filler, and other types of epoxy resin fillers.
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    Non pre-preg carbon parts often use epoxy resin as the matrix.

    Rather that than acetone from nailvarnish which won't affect the carbon but can effect some matrix materials or the laquer top coat.
    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.