BMC GF01 Disk - Potential Wheelset Upgrade

Andy in Yorkshire
edited April 2017 in Road buying advice
I have acquired a second hand BMC GF01 disc with DT Swiss X1900 Spline disk wheelset (circa 1900g).

Overall very impressed with the bike. The frame seems stiff and responsive, and the bike feels fast on the flat and downhill, but I have found the bike to feel slightly sluggish when pushing hard, particularly on the climbs. I enjoy riding hard on the commute, but I have found that my average speeds are down, my average heart rate has been up, and I am suspecting the wheels aren't helping

I appreciate this is an endurance bike rather than a more aggressive race bike but I still feel it's performance falls short of where it could/should be.

I am considering some Hunt Aero Light disc wheels (1469g), and wondered whether there are any general thoughts (or experience) on the impact these new wheels may have on the performance of a bike of this nature?

Has anybody upgraded to a lighter wheelset on this particular bike?

Any thoughts to help me make a decision would be appreciated.....



  • philbar72
    philbar72 Posts: 2,229
    a general rule is that lighter will offer easier climbing, but you need to be aware of weight limits and other compatability issues.

    as an aside the Hunts do look very good value for that kind of setup. The GF01 is not the most rigid bike in the world, its a bit more comfortable, but they (the hunt wheels) should suit.

  • I am considering some Hunt Aero Light disc wheels (1469g), and wondered whether there are any general thoughts (or experience) on the impact these new wheels may have on the performance of a bike of this nature?

    Assuming your commute doesn't involve crossing Fleet Moss every day, we are in the region of very marginal gains, maybe 5-10 seconds over 100 mt of vertical climbing in the VERY BEST case scenario... on smaller hills you might not notice any difference whatsoever.
    Light wheels do make a difference on long hilly days on the bike, not much in terms of time saving, but more importantly in how tired you are at the end of it
    left the forum March 2023
  • Thanks for the comments both. Appreciate the wheels may not provide huge gains but I'm sold on the looks alone.

    Once the old bike sells I'll see what I can get past the Mrs!! :roll:

    Thanks again
  • Hi,

    This thread could have been written by me!

    I have a 2015 GF01 that came with the DT-Swiss wheels you've got.

    After six months or so of riding I decided that the wheels were a bit sluggish and didn't appear to be allowing me to exploit the full potential of the bike.

    I therefore purchased the Hunt Aero Light disc wheels and stuck them on in May this year. The difference has been like night and day. As you say, not only do they look good, but I can really feel the difference between the two sets of wheels out on the road, and this has been backed up by much better Strava times.

    The DT-Swiss are now consigned to the 'winter use only' pile!

    The Confessor
  • Thanks very much for your comments - really good to have your input, and quite a coincidence.

    Its been a bit frustrating feeling held back on a more expensive/desirable bike. It sounds like the gains you have experiened have been worth the outlay. I am a bit of a saddo where stats are concerned, so improved Strava times definitely adds to the appeal.

    5 years ago, I wouldn't have considered paying that for a bike, so to throw that amount at a wheelset feels a tad extravagant, and the Hunts are relatively 'cheap' too!!

    For the time being, I've put 23mm gp4000s2s on the DT Swiss wheels (in place of the 25mm 4 seasons) which I hope will liven it up a tad before I'm in a position to take the plunge on the new set of wheels.

    When (if) the new wheels do eventually arrive, I'll endeavour to post my experiences on this thread.

    Thanks again
  • Just a note to mention that I did eventually take the plunge and I obtained a demonstration set of the Hunt Aero Light Disc wheelset, and I am more than impressed.

    What struck me immediately was the improved ride quality. This alone made it worth the upgrade. Since I have built the fitness back up, I have definitely noticed a difference, particularly on climbs, and I am achieving Strava PRs on my well ridden routes without too much effort. The wheels have improved the look of the bike no end too

    My dealings with Hunt have been very positive, and their customer service has been excellent throughout.

    I would definitely recommend these to anyone looking to upgrade their stock road disc wheels without breaking the bank!
  • grahamcp
    grahamcp Posts: 323
    I didn't see this thread originally, but good to have a read and thanks for updating.

    I'm considering a road machine (rm02 ultegra) and expect to have a similar predicament with the wheels.