Redirect on mobile phone

smudgerii Posts: 125
I keep getting redirected to "you've won a free app" page.... Tiresome at best, F'ing irritating after the first 5 times!


  • Hey, when this happens if you could grab some screenshots it would be really helpful! Have passed this onto to the relevant team though. Thanks.
    BikeRadar Communities Manager
  • I keep getting this too, re directs me to some web page then the App Store to download Uber.

    Highly annoying.
    Colnago Master Olympic
    Colnago CLX 3.0
    Colnago Dream
    Giant Trinity Advanced
    Italian steel winter hack
  • This is the link it keeps opening: ... UyODI5O30=
    Colnago Master Olympic
    Colnago CLX 3.0
    Colnago Dream
    Giant Trinity Advanced
    Italian steel winter hack
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,926
    I've had it too, I'm on an iphone 5. I'll try to do a screenshot next time it happens.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • Thanks guys, I've passed this thread onto ad ops.
    BikeRadar Communities Manager
  • Ah, I thought it was just me!
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...