Shim Rear Brake to Clear Chain Stay

23scadoo Posts: 35
edited September 2016 in Workshop
This is a follow up to my post from yesterday.

I've switched out the cassettes with no problem and tried to get it on the bike last night but was having trouble getting the brakes to open wide enough to accept the wider wheel. This morning I've been messing with it again and noticed that the bottom of the brake hits the chain stay. Is there a safe way to shim the brake up about 1/8" so that it clears the chain stay so the brake opens wider?



  • trailflow
    trailflow Posts: 1,311
    Is the tyre too big ? try letting some air out or remove the pads then refit. If the braking area on the rim is too wide then surely the tyre will rub the frame ?

    Im sure you could add a spacer(s) between the brake and frame. As long as there is still enough thread for the bolts to attach on to. The caliper may already be at its fully returned position. Have you taken it off the bike too see if it springs back further ? try that first.
  • The tire isn't the problem, it's the width of the wheel.

    I went to my local bike shop and they gave me some shims. They also mentioned the issue with bolt length so I'll have to see if the bolts I have are long enough.
  • Yes,as you have already found you can buy various thickness spacers from almost any bike shop and it should work fine on your bike. Spacers are more commonly used on the front fork brake mount for the same reason. Also as the shop mentioned there is a slight chance that this will make your brake mount nut too short but probably not and easy to find longer nuts if needed.