Cube Attain GTC Race or Agree C:62 Disc

Countrystock Posts: 31
edited September 2016 in Road buying advice
Morning to everyone, my first post on your forum so here we go

It's upgrade time and am considering one of the above as they are both within my budget, so which one is best????? At the moment I'm steering towards the Agree but this changes daily.

I've also considered a CAAD12 105 2016 and am still tempted, there's just to much choice.

I currently ride a B'Twin 500se and this is my first road bike (great bike for the money) only bought this to see if I was going to be bitten by the cycling bug which I have. I ride on average 50-70 miles per week and do local events up to 100 miles

Your help and advice would be appreciated

Many thanks


  • neilhannam
    neilhannam Posts: 58
    edited September 2016
    Just bought an Attain GTC Race this weekend and despite not having had much chance to ride yet it im very impressed. As most people advised me, go and sit on them both and buy the one that is more comfortable. The Attain does have quite a tall head tube so gives you that more relaxed position (that's what I was after) whilst the Agree is more of a race geometry so will be more aggressive in position.

    So go find where you can sit on both and let that make your decision for you. For what it's worth the guy at Rutland Cycles where I got mine from said the Attain GTC Race was about as good a value a bike as he'd seen as they had them discounted to £1,099 and had only just been able to drop the web prices that weekend.

    Also be careful on sizing, I had to go up to a 58 from a 56 Felt that I was riding previously as Cube's reputation for being a smaller fit compared to other bikes of the same size is entirely justified from having tested a 56 and 58. If anything I was pushing a 60 rather than a 56.
  • Hi and thank you for the in depth reply.

    I'm going to view them both this weekend to see for myself. I like the idea of disc brakes, but also like the idea of full Ultegra, hopefully I will make a decision after. I've also heard that Cube frames are on the small side, but I'm 6ft 1" and it appears a 58cm should be best suited for me.

    I'll let you know how I get on.

    Thanks once again for your advice
  • No problem, glad I could help someone instead of being the one looking for help for a change.

    And im just a touch over 6ft so the 58 should be bang on the money size wise.
  • Well I went to view both yesterday and the C:62 disc felt more comfortable and had a better paint job. A Cannondale CAAD 12 Ultegra in orange did catch my eye but for the money the Cube wins!!!
  • Great to hear you got sorted and are confident you've picked the right one. Can't disagree that the C:62 has a better styling despite similar colour schemes. Hope you enjoy yours as much as im enjoying mine