Whyte Suffolk Road Tyre Size

Strongbull Posts: 24
edited September 2016 in Road buying advice
Hi Alll

I have just purchased a Whyte Suffolk and need a bit of advice on tyre sizes.Would continental 23 c work/fit or am i better sticking to 28s that are on there for sunday morning road rides or getting something completly different.

Many thanks for any advice


  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    23c will work, but modern science/consensus is that wider tyres are not only more comfortable (provided you run them at lower pressures) but also faster, with less rolling resistance and smaller losses over poor road surfaces.

    25 or 28 seem to be the standard tyre widths these days. Some are moving to wider still.
  • Thanks.I'll have a look about for some good 28s