Vuelta stage 9 apathy (may contain spoilers)

yourpaceormine Posts: 1,245
edited August 2016 in Pro race
1.4km to go and no spoiler thread.


  • Looks like de la Cruz will take over red today. He's fighting it out with a n other for stage win. Group of 4 are 45 s behind. Usual suspects 3.30 behind.
  • Dlc takes the win,, usual contenders still 3:15 behind. So looks like dlc will be in red too
  • Contenders have finished. Senõr Hairplugs takes a couple of seconds, Nairo, Bertie and Froome come in together
  • Typical, winner crosses the line and TV removes timer from the display, they put up the stage top 10 and Eurosport cut to a shot of Flecha and the grinning imp.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,159
    Dull, dull stage (I think, I actually fell asleep from 45k to go until the final 2-3k).
  • Tomorrow is a bit of a roughtie roughtie day, so maybe a rest day for the GC.

    DLC confirmed in red, but still no GC standings. But at least the grinning imp has colour coordinated his watch and pully.
  • hypster
    hypster Posts: 1,229
    Another pointless stage in very disappointing Vuelta so far.
  • sagefly
    sagefly Posts: 295
    Chavez has peaked as a potential Vuelta or Giro winner, he is a rider not contender now
    Turned out nice again!
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,398
    sagefly wrote:
    Chavez has peaked as a potential Vuelta or Giro winner, he is a rider not contender now
    Don't agree, today wasn't the day for that and he looks in decent form - I'm sure he's got a target stage.

    If he gets all the way through this Vuelta without showing then I might agree.
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,398
    Although actually I don't know where he finished today!!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,159
    He's an odd one. It feels like he's a really young rider just starting to burst onto the scene but he's actually 27 in January and a few weeks older than Quintana, one obviously had a tougher paper round than the other! Aru is a few months younger and the Yates' over 2 years younger.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    To be fair to him he did nearly lose his career through injury which took a while to sort out.
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,398
    Joelsim wrote:
    To be fair to him he did nearly lose his career through injury which took a while to sort out.
    Yeah, Orica took a long term bet on taking him on and developing him, and it seems to be paying off.

    Orica have done that with a few riders as well. Good team (IMO).
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    This has been rather dull so far. Yesterday's was worst. Boring scenery and flat as a pancake with a nasty bit right at the end. Thank god for sky plus and fast forward
  • Good to know that it is not just me who is totally unenthusiastic about the final grand tour. Always the poor relation to the Giro and Tour (and traditionally the one British riders did best at, because nobody except the Hispanic nations could be bothered), i'm guessing the fact that it has jumped around in the calendar has been a large part of it's downfall. Heck, they haven't been able to stick with a colour for the leader's jersey. Or maybe the ridiculously comedic parcours is the reason?
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    Or maybe the ridiculously comedic parcours is the reason?

    Correlation is not causation.
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,398
    It's not been fantastic this year so far (although there are still 12 stages to race).

    Enjoyed last year though.
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,533
    I think it is all set up for a good race. No idea who is going to win which is as it should be after stage 9.
  • sagefly
    sagefly Posts: 295
    He is old, has had a devastating injury and do.e back very well from it. But I don't think he has the 'killer's instinct to be a winner. Its a harsh call and I'm really happy to be proven wrong but I don't see him winning stages by enough time to make a difference. The 2nd week needs to be all about him putting it to Froome, Quintana, Valverde et al. They will mark him out of it.
    Turned out nice again!