ProBikeKit excessive spam?

remedy_7 Posts: 179
edited August 2016 in Road buying advice
At the weekend I purchased an item from ProBikeKit. It arrived the next day which was great.
But 4 days on, I now have a total of 6 spam emails. (These don't include the order and delivery emails).
Is 6 in 4 a bit excessive? Or should I be grateful for the attention?

It is not a big issue. Although, when I click on unsubscribe, I get redirected to a page that never loads and just constantly refreshes. Maybe that is an issue my end, not sure.

I was just trying to work out, if you spammed a customer so much, would they break down and end up buying something? Or would they be put off? I don't work in retail but it baffles me why a company, which I had good service from, would do its best to annoy someone with spam.

Anyway. I got what I wanted, very quickly, so happy. For now. ( NO! ProBikeKit, you can't use this sentence).


  • mrb123
    mrb123 Posts: 4,868
    In fairness to PBK they sometimes email decent offers such as "mystery discounts" of 15-20%, so I've had some good bargains from there.
  • trek_dan
    trek_dan Posts: 1,366
    99% of the 'sale items' are the same old rubbish that has been in every other 'flash sale' during the year.
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    I used PBK for the first time last week. I was initially bombarded with offers, but unsubscribe worked for me and haven't received anything since.
  • lakesluddite
    lakesluddite Posts: 1,337
    I'd say 6 in 4 days is excessive, and it could lead to more people unsubscribing due to the frequency. I also get them, but just delete unless there's something that tempts me in - which I suppose is the point.
    The worse for bombarding is Sport Pursuit - there's at least two every day from them!
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I find PBK no better and no worse than the other 40 or so companies who spam me. 95% of them are flogging bike stuff, so I'm sure it's all self inflicted.

    TBH I rarely open the PBK ones because their alleged bargains never seem particularly cheap to me. I'm a sucker for Wiggle sales and the insanely cheap bundles / flash sales Planet X do. And I always read the Westbrooks ones hoping for another bargain as good as my CR1-SL frameset...

    Ribble and Planet X are a bit annoying with the way they claim to be offering a discount but it's the same or more than it was a few weeks earlier
  • remedy_7
    remedy_7 Posts: 179
    Just got another. That's now 7 in 4!
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    You are only getting the emails because you opted in in the first place, so it's hardly their fault if they are sending you stuff which you agreed to receive.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Their 'we miss you emails' start coming if you don't buy anything for more than a week. If they email me with a ridiculous price I can usually get it price-matched locally in Evans, Cycle Surgery or Cycle Republic.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Mr.Mouse
    Mr.Mouse Posts: 68
    redvee wrote:
    Their 'we miss you emails' start coming if you don't buy anything for more than a week. If they email me with a ridiculous price I can usually get it price-matched locally in Evans, Cycle Surgery or Cycle Republic.

    This. they always send me 'we miss you' emails, offering 10% off their prices, unless * , which means generally it it doesn't include anything you actually want to buy. no shimano, or any groups for that matter. or decent wheels, in fact i believe the 10% is only valid up to a £250 purchase, so £25 max anyway. But, not to say there aren't any bargains....
  • Wiggle used to be just as bad. Just opt out.

    What irritates me more is sites that ask for your preferences (road/MTB or whatever) and then ignore you, sending marketing emails for products that I have, by inference, indicated that I am not interested in.
    There's no such thing as too old.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Imposter wrote:
    You are only getting the emails because you opted in in the first place, so it's hardly their fault if they are sending you stuff which you agreed to receive.

    This. It isn't spam if you agreed to subscribe. And agreeing to subscribe means not reading the web page correctly and checking or unchecking the box.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • Remedy 7 wrote:
    Just got another. That's now 7 in 4!

    Keep us updated pls
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • remedy_7
    remedy_7 Posts: 179
    Nothing this morning Sloppy. Strange!
  • remedy_7
    remedy_7 Posts: 179
    I didn't subscribe. I was very careful to check. I always am. I don't think a company that spams so much really cares if you tick yes or no.
    The unsubscribe goes to a non-functioning page .....ebm.cheetahmail... This means I can't unsubscribe.

    I have always used CRC, love them with a kiss. Last night I had to go elsewhere for urgent parts (addiction?). It was Wiggle. They had a tick box. I unticked. Two pages later at the final confirm button, at the bottom of the page, was the same box with a tick in it. I thought this was a bit slimey.

    It is interesting to see the above replies, with people saying they don't mind getting this spam. I guess that answers my original question. Maybe it works for some.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Others have managed to unsubscribe without issue.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • Rb5_turbo
    Rb5_turbo Posts: 206
    I agree the offers are pretty good, I have a simple rule setup to file offer emails and periodically check them and delete.

    I have picked up a number of well priced clothing deals from PBK so I find it worth receiving them though to be fair a regular browse would do the same.

    One thing they do now and again is send a % off to temp me back, these usually work in my favour.

    cheers and GL
  • type:epyt
    type:epyt Posts: 766
    I guess they are annoying you by wasting your time/effort when you log into your email, right?

    You seem to be doing the best thing you can in the circumstances ... waste even more of your time posting on here ahout it!!!

    Unsubscribe or send to junk (that way you still get stuff just in case you need a discount code or similar) ... Either idea takes less time than logging in here (far less posting and reading the thread in the hope someone agrees with you, at which point you'll just have someone else to share your (perceived) aggrievement with and you'll have wasted even more of that prescious time of yours) ...
    Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it.
  • remedy_7
    remedy_7 Posts: 179
    The unsubscribe may work sometimes but not at present. Maybe later.
    As for posting on here, I was just seeing what other people thought. Sharing experiences. Communicating. Making lots of new friends.

    Turbo, do you work at PBK?
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Remedy 7 wrote:
    The unsubscribe may work sometimes but not at present. Maybe later.
    As for posting on here, I was just seeing what other people thought. Sharing experiences. Communicating. Making lots of new friends.

    Turbo, do you work at PBK?

    I don't get excessive emails from PBK, but as i'm not interested in buying anything at the moment, I tried to unsubscribe from the mailing list. Guess what, 2 clicks and it was done without problem.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    They do seem to have a "sale" every other day and yet the prices never change. Having said that I currently have a 15% off voucher (max. £35) from them for predicting Froome would win Le Tour.Every little helps..
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    That's tesco m8.