Mason Definition vs Kinesis GFTI Disc

jimbobbly Posts: 3
edited August 2016 in Road buying advice
Anyone ridden both the Mason Definition and Kinesis GFTI and willing to offer a view on one vs the other? I am considering both frames for a build, they are similar in concept I think albeit I appreciate that they are going to offer different rides given the frame materials. I'm looking for a balance between being fun to ride on a club run but still relatively comfy for longer sportives. I'm leaning towards the Mason because I think it will be a more responsive and exciting ride than the Kinesis but would love to hear from anyone who has ridden both of them.


  • I was eagerly awaiting replies on this one as I'm pondering the Kinesis to. Anyone?

    jimbobbly: Can I ask how you got down to these two as my mind is swimming with (in order of wallet emptying potential):

    Direct Chinese import (Waltby)

    Tricky thing is to fit guards and still have a nice snappy geometry. Gets even worse when you then start adding discs.

    All of the above apart from Kinesis will custom build anything you want but I guess you can't change the need for longer chainstays and head tube angle to squeeze these in.
  • svetty
    svetty Posts: 1,904
    Dominic Mason used to be designer for Kinesis so likely the bikes are quite similar?
    FFS! Harden up and grow a pair :D
  • Londoncommuter - I chose the Kinesis over other ti offerings on the basis of reviews to be honest, I don't really have the knowledge to weigh one vs the other based on the published geometries and frame spec's. Also, I can buy them on the Evans ride-to-work scheme which saves a bit of cash. Having spent more time thinking it over and looking over a friend's ti bike I have flip-flopped back to the Kinesis. I was just about to order it when I started debating discs vs calipers and shimano vs Campag - argggghhhh!

    Svetty - that's right, I am sure that there are some strong similarities given that earlier gen gfti's were designed by Dom Mason. He's about to launch a titanium bike also - more of a Tripster alternative though