Specialized Diverge tyres

Greg2015 Posts: 16
edited July 2016 in Road buying advice
I'm due to take part in the Ride London this year. Currently I have https://www.wiggle.co.uk/continental-ga ... 5360594444. I'm wondering whether its worth going any smaller widthe than the 700 x 28c or if I can with the original wheels which I am still using. Any ideas / suggestions guys?


  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    What are you expecting to achieve by switching to a smaller width tyre?
  • Greg2015
    Greg2015 Posts: 16

    I'm thinking that the rolling resistance will be reduced so it will mean I can travel quicker with less effort. If the reduction is minimal then I'm thinking it may not be worth it.

  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    If that was the case, we would all be on the narrowest tyres possible, but we are not. 25 or 28 is probably going to offer you the best possible compromise between comfort and rolling resistance, assuming you are using appropriate pressures. Rolling resistance is influenced by tyre volume, construction and pressure, not width per se.
  • Greg2015
    Greg2015 Posts: 16
    Thank you for your advice - sounds like I'm best sticking with the 28 :D
  • arlowood
    arlowood Posts: 2,561
    Greg2015 wrote:
    Thank you for your advice - sounds like I'm best sticking with the 28 :D

    Have a play with the variables on this site:-

    http://www.bicyclerollingresistance.com ... ce-v2-2015

    As you can see the Gatorskin is very poor compared to a Michelin Pro4 Endurance(both 25mm) vis-a-vis rolling resistance. Don't bother going smaller just choose another tyre (any other tyre!!!) at 28mm
  • Greg2015
    Greg2015 Posts: 16
    So really its a question of trading off punctures for rolling resistance. I live in Hampshire and commute so the Gatorskins would be best for the puncture resistance thanks to the glass and flint. If its a dry day the Michelin in London / Surrey? Realistically over a 100 mile event how much diference does the rolling resisance make effort wise? I see its measured in Watts? I'm aiming for a 7.30h time using my curent training as a guide. Would it cut the time?
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    It might cut your time by a few seconds perhaps, or it might not, but either way it won't change your life. Reliability and comfort would be my main priorities on an event like that..
  • Greg2015
    Greg2015 Posts: 16
    Over that distance and my time is it really just a matter of a few minutes? I honestly dont know. Comfort is a concern as its such a long time, if it was for part of an hour event like a tri it mighten matter that much to me.
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,456
    Another tyre will certainly feel a lot nicer than the Gatorskins!! But will it save you lots of effort? Probably not.