Do you trust professional cycling? Dissertation survey

Soph89 Posts: 5
edited July 2016 in Pro race
Hi all.

I am currently writing my MA dissertation on public trust of Professional Elite cycling in a post Armstrong era. I am hoping to gain the insights of fellow supporters of the sport and the general public to understand if past doping scandals have tainted your view/opinion of the sport and how you engage with it.

I would appreciate it massively if you could participate in the survey below - Participation is completely voluntary and you will remain anonymous at all times should you wish to participate.

Feel free to share the link below with anyone you think may be interested in this topic.

Many thanks in advance


  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    Define "Can cycling ever be a clean sport"....
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971

    giving ones email should be at the end, not the beginning - I would never give my email *before* doing the survey as I feel happier giving it out only after the fact, once I have "sussed out" the survey. Just a thought.

    A question somewhere in the middle had "other" as an option (I think it was "which of the following doping scandals are you most aware of") - I clicked other meaning to write some more, but it took me to the next question and there was no back-button. So I wasn't able to explain my answer (which is that I am equally aware of all of them, having followed them all in detail).

    A couple of the other questions are a bit vague and basic, somewhat open to interpretation or I felt I needed to justify my answer as it didn't fit exactly into the options given, but there was no option to do this.

    Anyway, I completed it for you, and good luck!
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    Even if anonymous, you can't use those data for your dissertation if it has to go public, you need an ethical form attached ot it, best sorted out sooner rather than later.
    Is this the bulk of the work or just something you need to give context to your dissertation?
    left the forum March 2023
  • grenw
    grenw Posts: 804
    Yep. I think that last questions needed a free-form text box to elaborate.
  • imatfaal
    imatfaal Posts: 2,716
    Soph89 wrote:
    Hi all.

    I am currently writing my MA dissertation on public trust of Professional Elite cycling in a post Armstrong era. I am hoping to gain the insights of fellow supporters of the sport and the general public to understand if past doping scandals have tainted your view/opinion of the sport and how you engage with it.

    I would appreciate it massively if you could participate in the survey below - Participation is completely voluntary and you will remain anonymous at all times should you wish to participate.

    Feel free to share the link below with anyone you think may be interested in this topic.

    Many thanks in advance

    Done. Sophie - sometime it is difficult to remember what the original question was once you get around to answering the followup question. Especially if they are showing Froome running up M Ventoux on the telly as you fill in the form :-)
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    Even if anonymous, you can't use those data for your dissertation if it has to go public, you need an ethical form attached ot it, best sorted out sooner rather than later.
    Is this the bulk of the work or just something you need to give context to your dissertation?

    Depends what country they are studying in. You don't need an ethics form in the Netherlands for example. By agreeing to fill in the survey you would be giving your informed consent for your answers to be used in the dissertation.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • Soph89
    Soph89 Posts: 5
    Even if anonymous, you can't use those data for your dissertation if it has to go public, you need an ethical form attached ot it, best sorted out sooner rather than later.
    Is this the bulk of the work or just something you need to give context to your dissertation?

    All participants will remain anonymous within the report. Details that would allow individuals to be identified WILL NOT be published. The dissertation will be submitted soley to the university.

    The use of this survey is purely to provide a small sample of public opinion to the study - it is in no way the bulk of the study
  • Soph89
    Soph89 Posts: 5
    Secteur wrote:

    giving ones email should be at the end, not the beginning - I would never give my email *before* doing the survey as I feel happier giving it out only after the fact, once I have "sussed out" the survey. Just a thought.

    A question somewhere in the middle had "other" as an option (I think it was "which of the following doping scandals are you most aware of") - I clicked other meaning to write some more, but it took me to the next question and there was no back-button. So I wasn't able to explain my answer (which is that I am equally aware of all of them, having followed them all in detail).

    A couple of the other questions are a bit vague and basic, somewhat open to interpretation or I felt I needed to justify my answer as it didn't fit exactly into the options given, but there was no option to do this.

    Anyway, I completed it for you, and good luck!

    Thank you for participating!
    I trialed the survey and no one highlighted the "other" option issue, thank you for that.

    My aim was to offer 'closed questions' for this aspect of my research to be able to gauge the set opinions of the public. Other aspects of my research will gather information via interviews which will go in to more detail.

    The email contribution, I too wanted to feature at the end of the survey also but due to formatting restrictions was unable to, which is why I made it an optional feature.

    Thank you once again for your input
  • Soph89
    Soph89 Posts: 5
    GrenW wrote:
    Yep. I think that last questions needed a free-form text box to elaborate.

    consider it done
  • RonB
    RonB Posts: 3,984
    Happy to participate. Good luck with your work Sophie
  • Lanterne_Rogue
    Lanterne_Rogue Posts: 4,325
    Completed it for you - best of luck with the dissertation. Please don't be too disheartened by any feedback on the format of the survey, either - it's genuinely people trying to help you be as successful as you can be. Personally I think a chance to go back and amend your answers when you don't get the chance to elaborate further on the next screen would have been useful - I actually found myself thinking I'd basically failed you by not being able to record what I really meant.
  • jawooga
    jawooga Posts: 530
    Good luck Sophie, all done. Interested in reading your research if you're prepared to share it here.