Nashbar vs specialized?

jacksoneaker Posts: 60
edited July 2016 in Road buying advice
Hi all,

I'm looking to get my first road bike and have stumbeled upon
They are selling a full carbon bike with 105 components for $1200.
My Lbs recommended to me the allez dsw elite which msrp is $1250. This would also have tax.

Reading reviews, the nashbar saddle is horrible and would have to be replaced. It would also have to be assembled, so at the end of the day the two are the same price but the specialized has the perks of an lbs (tune-ups and such).

I don't know what would be a better investment.

I have heard great things about the allez frame, but I don't know if the nashbar Carbon frame is worth anything.




  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    If you don't know much about bikes it's often worth paying a bit more if you have a good LBS that can help you out with things.