2014 Roubaix - Headset issue?

slowmonkey Posts: 48
edited August 2017 in Workshop
Hi All,

So jumped on my bike this AM and immediately noticed a problem. Steering seems stiff, doesn't not want to steer to left or right without some effort, bike seems 'not balanced' as in could easily tilt violently left or right???, and some grinding noise from headset area when I turn the bars.

So, I am guessing the bearings in the headset are gone?

I just called specialized and they said a replacement set of bearing is £70! Or is this for a whole kit? And do I need a whole kit?

When I get home later, I am going to inspect for myself, but just after some advice or guides for the Roubaix if possible, as a non techy type when it comes to taking my bike apart to that level!

Any help would be great if possible!

As a footnote - this was noted after cleaning my bike after the extremely wet weather we had in London the other day which I was riding in for 90 minutes. Associated at all?



  • dgunthor
    dgunthor Posts: 644
    probably just need to replace the lower headset bearing - often a sealed cartridge type.

    could clean and regrease but unlikely to be as smooth. headset top bearings generally stay pretty clean and smooth, it's the lower one that gets all the water sprayed up from the front tyre.

    new cartridge bearing between £5 and £10 on eBay. if it's the loose ball type then cheaper again. plenty of guides online how to do it - park tool website for example
  • 2014 Roubaix will have sealed cartridge bearings its most likely just a case of replaceing the lower one as said. The bearings are different sizes for different sized frames (at least for the SWorks version and AFAIK for all versions) hopefully yours will have the size marked on the side of them. You can then just get replacements and drop it in £70 is way over the top - even ceramic ones can be bought for £10-12 odd from a bearings shop. I use aire bearings http://www.airebearings.co.uk/Bike-bear ... 20bearings but there are plenty around. If yours aren't marked you can measure ID, OD and Height with calliper or refer to the frame guide. I managed to find this

    http://service.specialized.com/collater ... 3_RevB.pdf

    but it only goes to 2013 haven't been able find the more current version but it will list the bearings if you can track it down or someone else has the link. I have the documentation from my SWorks Roubaix and can post the bearing sizes from that if you want?
  • slowmonkey
    slowmonkey Posts: 48
    Thank you guys for helpful replies.

    Haven't had time yet, but will strip front end down tomorrow evening and clean/regrease bearings, as well as inspect them for wear.

    Thanks too for the tips on purchasing just what I need, saves a few quid!

    Thank god for google/YouTube videos, and guides....

    Is there a lifespan for these headset bearings? Just curious really, only had my bike nearly 2 years.
  • Really depends on how much you ride in the wet and especially in the winter if roads are gritted - the damp and salt is really hard on the lower bearing. Mudguards help but very few that fit road bikes give decent coverage under the fork. I've found ceramic last better for lower bearing. Fortunately if you know the size it's an easy job to replace them and they are relatively cheap.
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Well the headset in my Racelight Tk is still running smoothly on the original bearings it came with 9 years ago. It was ridden year round for 6 years, then it's been on winter / wet weather duties since I bought a summer bike. It has always had full mudguards though, which I think helps enormously.

    The bearings in my CR1 are still in perfect nick, but so they should be since it's only ridden in the dry and only 3 years old...
  • slowmonkey
    slowmonkey Posts: 48
    So I took it apart and this was the state of the lower bearings;


    I am shocked at the state of the parts? Only ridden in poor weather over last 3 months, never ridden in rain previously. Anyhow I have cleaned it all and regreased and reinstalled.

    I can't really tell it's all back in correctly, and sitting level, I don't have a stand - next purchase!

    Will also order replacement bearings too.

    First time taking bike apart to that extent so some learning done too.
  • They do look a bit grotty - key thing is once cleaned and greased does the bearing run smooth or rough? If smooth it's fine. IME the oem bearings on spesh bikes are not good and don't last well. I've replaced mine with ceramics from aire bearings (cost about £10) and they last much much longer.
  • look555
    look555 Posts: 1
    Have someone a matrix like the one herunder for newer models than 2013? I could not find something in the net.
    http://service.specialized.com/collater ... 3_RevB.pdf