Help identifying noise

EKJR Posts: 4
edited June 2016 in Workshop
Hi everybody!

I need some help from experienced road bike detectives in identifying a noise. The noise is a pretty loud clanking or clicking, I can even feel some vibration in the frame when it happens. As far as I can tell, it originates from the middle/back of the bike.

The noise only makes itself known when there's weight on the bike, whether I'm in the saddle or standing on a, or both, pedals. (As far as I can tell, it may happen more often when i stand on only the right peddle and roll down a hill compared to being on the left or in the saddle).

I've excluded the pedals/cleats since the noise happens even when not pedaling or clipped in.

I can tell no pattern in the position of the wheel when the noise happens.

The bike is about 1 year old, doing approximately 400-500k weekly during bike season (but not in use the latest four months since I was working abroad).

Thanks for the help!


  • A wheel bearing?
  • dgunthor
    dgunthor Posts: 644
    as above, sounds like a wheel bearing. lift the bike by the saddle and spin the rear wheel - is that the noise?

    you've done quite a few miles on that wheel, time for service or replacement by the sounds of it
  • EKJR
    EKJR Posts: 4
    Thanks for the tip!

    There is no noise when lifting the bike and spinning the wheel. It can only be heard when I'm on the bike (under load). Could it still be a bearing?

    But the rear wheel is not in great shape, so it might require replacing anyway.
  • dgunthor
    dgunthor Posts: 644
    could be. is there any side to side play/movement in the rear wheel (loose axle/bearings).

    could also be the bottom bracket - move the chain off the inside of the chainrings, then spin the chainset - should be quiet and smooth (also should be no side to side play in this)
  • EKJR
    EKJR Posts: 4
    There is definitely some movement sideways when pushing on the rear wheel!