Sizing Help For Lemond Washoe Purchase

1800dinosaur Posts: 4
edited June 2016 in Road buying advice
Hey everyone! I fell in love with the look of the Lemond Washoe!/washoe and am ready to purchase one, but the sizing is giving me a headache. Hopefully someone here can help me!

These are my measurements:
Inseam: 90cm
Trunk: 62cm
Forearm: 35.5cm
Arm: 69.5cm
Thigh: 62cm
Lower leg: 62cm
Sternal Notch: 154cm
Total Body: 184.5cm

I would rate my "flexibility" at an 8/10 - I can almost flat out my palms on the ground while standing up.

On the site, I am right on the cusp between a 57cm and a 59cm. I spoke to a few of the employees at Lemond and they recommended the 59cm size (XL). Is this really the right size for me? Anyone have any solid advice here?

I have ridden a bunch of bikes in search of similar geometry, but none seem to be quiet the same as a Washoe. Most of the LBS people I have spoken to said they would put me on a 56/57cm bike in other models just by looking at my height.

Here is the washoe geometry for reference:


Really appreciate any help :)