Ultimate SLX or Aeroad??

bsharp77 Posts: 533
edited June 2016 in Road buying advice
After a recent bike fit i was all set to purchase a Canyon SLX as my do it all bike. After I mentioned it to the fitter, he said to look into the Aeroroad as well as the geometry works and he thinks it's an amazing bike after setting one up a few weeks ago.

I had never even considered it as I thought firstly it would be too aggressive for me (happily not the case) but being more an aero bike, maybe not so good for hills and longer rides.
However after reading through a few reviews and looking at the specs, it's only 0.5kg heavier than the ultimate and reviews have talked favourably about its comfort, and the mavic 50mm wheels supplied are much lighter than what I'm currently running anyway! (could always get a set of shallower wheels for very hilly days and winter use).

Has anyone ridden both? Any experiences greatly appreciated. I'm swaying towards the Aeroroad as I can't seem to find a reason not to go for it.


  • kingstonian
    kingstonian Posts: 2,847
    Interested to see what responses you get as I have been mulling over this also. Both look like great bikes.
  • mrb123
    mrb123 Posts: 4,789
    It's Aeroad by the way...
  • bsharp77
    bsharp77 Posts: 533
    MrB123 wrote:
    It's Aeroad by the way...

    Damn it! :oops:
    Title now updated at least!
  • e17blade
    e17blade Posts: 215
    I ride an Aeroad and the question people ask most is "can you ride it all day" - and the answer is definitely yes. No problem at all. Would I be slightly more comfortable on an Ultimate? Possibly (probably?), but it just isn't an issue.

    If used as an all round bike including in the mountains then you might want a compact - mine is a semi compact and I'm not sure they do it with a compact???? The Mavic wheels are not great in cross winds either.

    All in all though it is an amazing bike and I would thoroughly recommend it.

    This is mine...

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Go for red...