Veloce gears overshifting

skyblueamateur Posts: 1,498
edited May 2016 in Workshop
I had my standard changed to a compact at my local bike and had a 29T cassete on my Veloce setup.

All was seemingly fine but found that the 29T was overkill so swapped out for a 25T.

Gears changed ok, if not a little clunky but it wouldn't engage the 11T properly. Wasn't too much of an issue though.

Now when changing down the cassette (big to small) it skips through gears especially from the 5th gear which will skip straight to the 11T, which then doesn't sit properly.

I've checked chain wear and tried adjusting the derailleur setup but can't get it to shift properly at all.

Any idea's?


  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    indexing is not set up properly plenty of online guides if you cant do it then take it to a shop.

    also the mech hanger could be slightly bent but it would not shift right on the upshift.

    To set up properly you get the top jockey wheel in line with the centre of the sprocket you are in. Un anchor the cable and start at the smallest cog and make sure the limit stop screw is adjusted so the chain drops into that cog and the jockey wheel is in line. Re anchor the cable and get it taught. Shift up and ensure the top jockey is in line each time. It will then indexed. -wheel building and other stuff.
  • dgunthor
    dgunthor Posts: 644
    your chain is probably too long now, needs a link or two removed
  • keezx
    keezx Posts: 1,323
    Another possibility is that the Escape shifter is worn out and slips, does not index properly anymore..
  • lesfirth
    lesfirth Posts: 1,382
    Keezx wrote:
    Another possibility is that the Escape shifter is worn out and slips, does not index properly anymore..

    That is a probability rather than a possibility, and there is no cost effective fix. On the bright side a new pair are cheapish.

    I would not advise wasting your time taking a couple of links out of your chain. :roll:
  • dabber
    dabber Posts: 1,996
    ^^^^^ you can be pretty sure it's this. New shifter required.
    “You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!”

    Wilier Cento Uno SR/Wilier Mortirolo/Specialized Roubaix Comp/Kona Hei Hei/Calibre Bossnut
  • dgunthor
    dgunthor Posts: 644
    lesfirth wrote:
    Keezx wrote:
    Another possibility is that the Escape shifter is worn out and slips, does not index properly anymore..

    That is a probability rather than a possibility, and there is no cost effective fix. On the bright side a new pair are cheapish.

    I would not advise wasting your time taking a couple of links out of your chain. :roll:

    er, chain's still going to be long even with a new shifter - hence my comment - might not take up all the slack in small chainring/small sprocket combination
  • skyblueamateur
    skyblueamateur Posts: 1,498
    Thanks all.

    Chain length is ok thanks. Have checked that already.

    Sounds like the shifter. Had a look online and the symptoms are exactly to do with the escape spring.

    Have got it booked into the lbs.