Triall/Bullhorn brake levers

Asphalt Posts: 3
edited May 2016 in Road buying advice
Hi, does anyone know of any brake levers that are 17mm or under? The standard internal diameter seems to be 19mm and my bullhorns are 17mm on my new single speed.

Thanks in advance!


  • dyrlac
    dyrlac Posts: 751
    Asphalt wrote:
    Hi, does anyone know of any brake levers that are 17mm or under? The standard internal diameter seems to be 19mm and my bullhorns are 17mm on my new single speed.

    Thanks in advance!

    You're going to struggle. I searched for ages with no joy, and ended up dremelling the bungs on my bullhorn mounted brake levers to make them fit: not for the faint hearted.

    Alternative approach is to take some tops-mounted levers (the kind that clamp around the outside of the bars, you may well have these already if you bought your bike new), and fit them to the ends of your bullhorns pointing backward (ie, toward you). I've seen this in the wild and it seems to work (you also reverse the cable direction, which can reveal the unsightly cable end rather than sitting nicely in a recessed groove depending on the models). You then fit bar end plugs in the usual fashion.
  • Asphalt
    Asphalt Posts: 3
    Hey, thanks for the prompt response. I figured I might have to get some externally mounted.