Inner tube sizes - will it cause problems?

guy.spartacus Posts: 321
edited May 2016 in Workshop
Recently had a p******re issue and bought some replacement tubes

Got them delivered yesterday and they're a different size to the one I'm replacing;

Currently using Continental Race 28 700 x 20-25

New ones are Continental Race 28 700 x 25-32

Tyres are 25mm so at the top end of the current ones and bottom end of the new ones

Will I have any issues running the larger tubes?
Road - '10 Giant Defy 3.5
MTB - '05 Scott Yecora
BMX - '04 Haro Nyquist R24 (don't judge me)


  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    They'll be a few grams heavier if that kind of thing bothers you.

    You may find them a bit trickier to get into the tyre without pinching if you struggle with that kind of thing. On the upside they'll be slightly easier to fit a patch on.

    I always seem to run tubes slightly undersize relative to my 25mm tyres.
  • guy.spartacus
    guy.spartacus Posts: 321
    A few grams doesn't bother me

    I'm a 93kg rugby player so if there's any weight to be saved I'll be where it comes from!

    Fitted it last night and it's remained inflated overnight so I managed to avoid any pinching by the looks of it.

    Road - '10 Giant Defy 3.5
    MTB - '05 Scott Yecora
    BMX - '04 Haro Nyquist R24 (don't judge me)