Rebuilding Shimano MT35 Wheels With "Normal Spokes"?

Torres Posts: 1,266
edited May 2016 in Workshop
Morning gang, I'm after a little bit of advice regarding the above please.

Last night Mrs Torres noticed that two spokes on her cross bike wheel (Shimano MT35) had snapped at the elbow. Now we've priced up the official Shimano replacements, the spokes are eye wateringly expensive at £4 each, plus we'd need new nipples and a new spoke key. All in all it's going to be a dear do just to replace two spokes.

Now the spokes that are on there now are around 2mm thick and bladed; my question to the internet is, would it be possible to replace the spokes (either the broken ones, or rebuild the entire wheel) with some normal spokes (a'la DT Swiss Champions)?

Any advice much appreciated, ta!
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