Two blow outs in one day, whats causing it?

roubaixtom Posts: 316
edited May 2016 in Workshop
Just had two blow outs on two separate rides today.

Both in the same blade just above the rim. Something seems to have cut right through the tyre. It is around where the join on the rim is?

Any ideas?



  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    You are probably best placed to answer that one! Have a good look at the rim without a tyre/tube and see if you can see/feel a sharp edge, perhaps caused by a pothole, etc., although be careful as you don't want to add a cut thumb to your bad luck. Also, check the brake setup to ensure the pads are nice and central to the track. Something stuck in the fork and rubbing??

    Failing that, post some piccies to give us a clue as to what you mean by "blade", etc.
  • I suspect "blade" is an auto-corrected typo for "place".

    Did you change the tyre between punctures? If not, it sounds to me like the first puncture was caused by something sharp in the tyre that wasn't removed, and then it forced its way into the second inner tube.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Yeah same place is too much of a coincidence. Check it out carefully
  • photonic69
    photonic69 Posts: 3,143
    Check rim tape and spoke holes. I had this recently. Sharp edges causing punctures due to plastic rim tape slipping. Replaced with Velox fabric adhesive tape and all is good.

    Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.

  • prhymeate
    prhymeate Posts: 795
    I had this problem once when my brakes weren't lining up with the rim when pulled tight. The pads had worn unevenly and the top was wearing the tyre wall away until it popped the inner tube. Took a few flats and a post on this message board before I realised what it was.