Achilles pain

Kwif007 Posts: 39
edited May 2016 in Road beginners
Hi guys

Got my new bike last week, and using clipless for the first time, done around 60 miles over the last two day and have considerable pain in my right archilles.

When I got the bike I got a proper fit done, but not too sure if I should go back, or if it's just a usual effect when riding clipless for first time?

I am currently just resting with leg up on ice.

Any thoughts would be great


  • Kwif007
    Kwif007 Posts: 39
    oxoman wrote:
    Ideally when you get a bike fit you would get your cleats set up at the same time. It can take a few attempts to set up cleat position, have a look on YouTube for how to do it.
    Cheers for the response, yep I got the cleats whilst being setup so they were considered, currently they are in the middle position (I have mtb spd shoes with 3 settings)
  • Kwif007
    Kwif007 Posts: 39
    oxoman wrote:
    The problem with any cleat is you can position them almost anywhere within the range of the holes in the cleat and the shoe. You can get the shoe set for a right fore and aft position but be set with the angle incorrect causing the foot to toe in or out. Best bet is either revisit the original bike fitter or try and set up using youtube / internet based advice.

    OK mate I will take a look, I must admit I do feel the seat is really high so may give that another look on the setup vids

    I'm guessing the internet is full of contradictions, do you have a source to recommend?