Any West Ham fans??

vinnymarsden Posts: 560
edited April 2016 in The cake stop
Could West Ham have got a better deal than the 2.5million total payment a year for their new 60'000 seater purpose built (modified at taxpayers expense) stadium!!
Barry Hearn has said his dog could have negotiated better for the taxpayer…and I think he's doing his dog a disservice there!
I truly think the negotiators on OUR behalf, because yes, regardless of what they say..the stadium was built with taxpayers money, I really think they sent a work experience person to deal with this, how in the name of all things financially prudent are a BIG premiership club or any of them for that matter allowed to rent that venue for so little…with Skys new TV deal heaven forbid, they might have to restrict themselves to only 5 or 6 new 10million a year new signings this summer!
I live in the north, and our "Olympic legacy" promised by Lord Con, sorry Coe..NOTHING…we got nothing north of Birmingham, oh sorry theres a velodrome at Manchester that is sooooo costly to visit/use that it has become a cycle club once a year special trip. I have no problems with London having the water park, even the cycling velodrome had to be "modified" for public use, but they will get well used.The stadium itself is the home of West Ham football now..its's not a public stadium, its theirs to make it their own.
West Ham will have their massive share of the Sky money this coming season…will they pass on any saving to the fans… I think we know the answer to that one…oh and don't forget…the money that will come from redevelopment of the land where their old ground is…you can bet the negotiators never even included that in the equation !
The private business solicitors must be pinching themselves at the deal they pulled off here..and is generally the case, when anything public is sold, we the taxpayers get well and truly shafted.Rant over, oh and I personally don't mind West Ham as a footy club either!!


  • Jay_Forme
    Jay_Forme Posts: 132
    2.5 million to West Ham is a bargain, considering all the match day support is being paid for by the London Legacy.
    This is limited to only 25 games though, any more than that and there are extra costs. Cup Runs, Friendly games etc could all bump this up. £100,00 per game I believe so this season that would have been another £300,000.
    They also get 15% of the sales on match day, 60,000 people buy tea/coffee/burgers/hotdogs will be a fair few quid.
    All naming rights will be split 50/50 with the first 4 million going straight to the London Legacy.
    All stadium tours will see the London Legacy pocket 85% of the cash.
    £100,000 if West Ham qualify for Europe.
    £100,000 for finishing 5th in the league, lower payments for lower position.
    Plus the £15,000,000 West Ham put towards the building costs. (granted this was close to £300 million but other than football there was no viable use)

    Not forgetting that West Ham only rent this stadium 25 days a year, it will still be open to other events. concerts, American football and other event have all been mentioned.

    so looking at the bigger picture, 2.5 million for 25 days a year plus all the add ons seems like a good deal both ways.
  • surrey_commuter
    surrey_commuter Posts: 18,867
    should have made them bid against property developers - who cares about legacy?

    Interesting that Chelsea/Spurs are offering £15m per annum to rent Wembley
  • Jay,
    In the spirit of discussion, I totally disagree with you mate….West Ham have got the most incredible deal they could ever have wished for…. and the other ironic thing…. Karen Brady, who is West Hams CEO or similar role… she was pivotal in the deal, and it appears the govmt were so impressed with her business acumen, her negotiating skills at rogering them they have gone and made her a Lady!!
    Well done Lady Brady, for all their smooth, silky patter the govmt sent kids to the table and as usual gave everything away!!
  • dave35
    dave35 Posts: 1,124
    Yes a fantastic deal, as a West Ham fan I would love to have stayed at Upton Park.
    It should've been designed properly in the first place, but as has been said-loads more will be going on at the stadium to generate income.
    Imagine Leyton orient playing in a 60,000 seater stadium with less than 5,000 supporters showing up! And as David gold has said-orient could only pay around 500000 a year in rent.
    I don't think Manchester city own their stadium-don't they rent it for £4million a year? Who paid for that when it was built?
    Must ask though, how was the London velodrome modified for public use?
  • surrey_commuter
    surrey_commuter Posts: 18,867
    Fair play to West Ham but whoever negotiated this and signed it off should be sacked

    The Times reckons Arsenal pay £1m per year in policing costs. So add in the costs of maintenance, and power bills and we the taxpayer will be making a loss.
  • mr_goo
    mr_goo Posts: 3,770
    The nearest Olympic legacy to me is this unholy f**k up know as the Canford Bottom junction. Put in by the highways department to speed up traffic heading to and from Weymouth for the sailing events.

    The junction went from this, which allowed traffic to filter correctly, as roundabouts are designed to do.


    To this monstrosity which causes utter misery for all commuters in the Wimborne, Poole area and is highly confusing to negotiate unless you are sticking to the main road.

    Always be yourself, unless you can be Aaron Rodgers....Then always be Aaron Rodgers.
  • kingstonian
    kingstonian Posts: 2,847
    dave35 wrote:
    Yes a fantastic deal, as a West Ham fan I would love to have stayed at Upton Park.
    It should've been designed properly in the first place, but as has been said-loads more will be going on at the stadium to generate income.
    Imagine Leyton orient playing in a 60,000 seater stadium with less than 5,000 supporters showing up! And as David gold has said-orient could only pay around 500000 a year in rent.
    I don't think Manchester city own their stadium-don't they rent it for £4million a year? Who paid for that when it was built?
    Must ask though, how was the London velodrome modified for public use?

    Can't quite understand the question re the velodrome? It is in use virtually every day of the year with elite athletes down to school kids having sessions on the track.
  • dave35
    dave35 Posts: 1,124
    dave35 wrote:
    Yes a fantastic deal, as a West Ham fan I would love to have stayed at Upton Park.
    It should've been designed properly in the first place, but as has been said-loads more will be going on at the stadium to generate income.
    Imagine Leyton orient playing in a 60,000 seater stadium with less than 5,000 supporters showing up! And as David gold has said-orient could only pay around 500000 a year in rent.
    I don't think Manchester city own their stadium-don't they rent it for £4million a year? Who paid for that when it was built?
    Must ask though, how was the London velodrome modified for public use?

    Can't quite understand the question re the velodrome? It is in use virtually every day of the year with elite athletes down to school kids having sessions on the track.
    In the original question it was mentioned about the velodrome having been modified, only asked as I've worked there for over 2 years-and it hasn't been modified as far as I know.