Helmet for larger bonce

secretsam Posts: 5,120
edited April 2016 in Road buying advice
Hi there, Mr Pumpkin-head here. Need a new lid as my existing Giro is on its way out; bits beginning to fall apart :shock:

As the title suggests, larger noggin, the Giro fitted OK but a bit tight on the sides; had a previous Spesh which was pretty good.

Need something well-vented and less than £100. Weight not a major consideration but needs to be able to withstand commutes, on and off trains, etc - so the less exposed core, the better.

It's just a hill. Get over it.


  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    SecretSam wrote:
    Hi there, Mr Pumpkin-head here. Need a new lid as my existing Giro is on its way out; bits beginning to fall apart :shock:

    As the title suggests, larger noggin, the Giro fitted OK but a bit tight on the sides; had a previous Spesh which was pretty good.

    Need something well-vented and less than £100. Weight not a major consideration but needs to be able to withstand commutes, on and off trains, etc - so the less exposed core, the better.
    Normally it's the pads that go, but Giro sell replacement pads for a realistic price, if you fancy keeping it
    left the forum March 2023
  • peteb0
    peteb0 Posts: 58
    Fellow pumpkin head here. Lazer seem to cater to larger heads pretty well so might be worth a look.
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Found Giro and Lazer a bit too tight. Specialized can come up big. My favourites for something a little different are Cratoni if you want a bit more room at the sides, and Zero RH+ ZY if you get your temples squeezed in others.

    http://www.acycles.co.uk/zerorh-zy-cycl ... 12979.html

    http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/crat ... prod129396
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    SecretSam wrote:
    Hi there, Mr Pumpkin-head here. Need a new lid as my existing Giro is on its way out; bits beginning to fall apart :shock:

    As the title suggests, larger noggin, the Giro fitted OK but a bit tight on the sides; had a previous Spesh which was pretty good.

    Need something well-vented and less than £100. Weight not a major consideration but needs to be able to withstand commutes, on and off trains, etc - so the less exposed core, the better.
    Normally it's the pads that go, but Giro sell replacement pads for a realistic price, if you fancy keeping it

    Pads on the way out but it's the retainer tabs which hold the adjusting tightness thingy to the cradle that have gone...ITKWIM...good lid otherwise but just a little narrow for my huge noggin

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • sandyballs
    sandyballs Posts: 577
    I tried a Kask mojito on at the weekend and to get it to fit my 56cm head I needed to go down to a medium, the large felt very big and they do an extra large that apparently fits a 64cm head.
  • My head must be like a beach ball!
    Buying my latest lid, the Mrs got fed up and waited in the car. Just couldn't get one comfy enough.
    Ended up buying a nice Giro number. Looked the biz. Got it home and walked round the house in it a bit. It started to pinch on my forehead.
    Since the Mrs bought it for me she tutted aggressively as she knew it wasn't right. Next day took it back to the shop and went through the process again!
    Eventually opted for a Kask which was actually cheaper than the Giro. Very comfy lid and fits my bounce perfectly.
  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    Large around the temples I am. Had all sorts of lids. Bought a Kask last year. The fit is streets ahead of anything else I've tried... doubt I'll buy anything else. They're that good.
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • 852Kompol
    852Kompol Posts: 67
    Mr Dog wrote:
    Large around the temples I am. Had all sorts of lids. Bought a Kask last year. The fit is streets ahead of anything else I've tried... doubt I'll buy anything else. They're that good.
    I used like the Protone when I try fitted to one...abeit I do have a big bump at the back of my head so that's a bit cramp back there. Apart from that its all good, which have me ended up on a POC Octal Areo... surprisingly don't seem too steamy even there's only one hole on the front(still no Catlike whisper if you ask me, which I also own) but the difference is only really noticeable when you're doing long climbs over 10%, but since its fits like a normal Octal...you can pick...apart from the styling though, you really have to be brave to wore this the first time to a club ride. :D
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    I don't have a pumpkin head, but do use KASK. I recently switched from a Mojito to a Protone, both the same size, but the Protone is huge and doesn't fit correctly. (ebay here it comes.) It may be worth someone with a pumpkin head giving one a try.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Mr Dog wrote:
    Large around the temples I am. Had all sorts of lids. Bought a Kask last year. The fit is streets ahead of anything else I've tried... doubt I'll buy anything else. They're that good.

    Funnily enough I tried on a Kask at the Spesh store in Bristol (which I can heartily recommend- service was excellent even on a Saturday) - the one on display was fine, the one from the box pinched! Arrrrrggghhhhh! :evil:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.