Heavier rider: Fulcrum Quattros stiffness

Unamed2.0 Posts: 41
edited March 2016 in Road buying advice

Been using some Shimano R501s over winter on my CAAD8, and finding a bit of brake rub when out of the saddle etc. Now I am assuming it's wheel flex and not frame flex (which might not be the case) so I'm looking at something hopefully stiffer. After doing some reading around the forum, I get the impression that Fulcrum Quattros are considered stiffer than anything else in a equivalent price bracket.

Is my understanding (roughly) correct?

I'm not after any aero benefit, nor does a little bit of extra weight concern me (I am >90kgs anyway). And I doubt the budget could stretch to handbuilts.

Thanks for any comment.


  • zefs
    zefs Posts: 484
    I'd recommend either Fulcrum 5 or 3 instead of quattro, because quattro catches sidewinds easily (I am 65kg so no idea if that makes it worse) to the point I am also looking to change them. Another choice would be Campagnolo Zonda's.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Nope, I'm not sure I agree with the above. A 90kg rider shouldn't have too much of an issue with Quattros in the wind. I reckon they are a good match for what he wants, not the lighest but he acknowledges this is not the highest priority. Match with some nice 25mm tyres for now and start saving for some decent handbuilts in a couple of years time...

    Edit: the OP does need to factor in his weight and be honest. 90kg should be fine but 100kg + and I would worry about that spoke count.
  • I had a set of Quattro's for around 12 months... rode around 8,000 miles on them in all weathers and never looked after them. Never had any issues with them until I think I wore the rims through. Biggest contributor to that was increased hill reps in poor weather conditions (seriously heavy on the dirty/gritty pads and rims).

    I was so pleased with them I chose to just get another set (this time the LGs... same weight but wider). IMO the new ones are much stiffer than the old ones to boot. I'm not 100% sure the old ones needed replacing but played it safe just in case.

    I weighed 95kg when I first got them... as I said before, never had any issues with them. Hit some serious pot holes in that time too.
    I weigh 78kg now and have done crit races on the Quattro LG's with no problem.

    A friend has the Campag Sciroccos (he weighs 85kg)... no problems reported by him but I was always put off by the rear spoke pattern.

    I did consider the Zonda's but just stuck with what I knew worked... and the Quattro's were cheap as chips on Wiggle.

    Just my experiences... I cant comment on other similar wheels as I've never tried them or no anyone who has.
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961
    I have just bought the 2016 pair with the wider rims, am around 93kg and have so far ridden the twice, once in a road race on Friday and once in a crit this morning.

    My first impressions are they are great, not the lightest but they are stiff, whilst sprinting this morning I couldn't detect any lateral movement in the rim and I run my brake blocks quite close, for the money I rate them.
    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
  • Unamed2.0
    Unamed2.0 Posts: 41
    Thanks a lot all, for taking the time to reply. Much appreciated! I think I'll take the plunge. The alternative would either be some Zondas (but this'll push budget too far) or Fulcrum 5s (but my guess is that they will not be as stiff as the Quattros). Oh, and I haven't found "wider-rim" Scirroccos either...

    Anyway, thanks again.