Carbon forks cracked on Trek 1.7

bice Posts: 772
edited March 2016 in Workshop
Carbon forks cracked on Trek

Are these a right-off?


25836146521_db515c616b_z.jpgTrekRightForkOuter by kelly1733, on Flickr

25810335972_9a464261f7_z.jpgTrekforkleft by kelly1733, on Flickr

25298310854_7643bb1908_z.jpgTrekforkleft by kelly1733, on Flickr
I was putting on new wheels after winter and saw these cracks on both the outsides of my carbon front forks.

The cracks do not go all the way round the forks: the inner side of the forks seem unaffected.

Nonetheless, this can’t be good, surely?

This seems to me wear and tear damage, as the bike has not been in a crash.

The bike is six years old and is used every weekend in winter. I stop using it in April.

Does Trek offer any warranty on these?

Unfortunately, although I have two spare forks they are steel ones for the (much more versatile) threaded headsets.

Any suggestions of a replacement?


  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,565
    look like alloy dropouts, i'd guess the bond to the cf is failing hence the cracks, personally i'd never ride a fork with cracks, the potential consequences of failure are horrific

    i'd try contacting trek just on the off chance they'll do you a deal on replacement, otherwise you need to give an idea of budget and specification
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • k-dog
    k-dog Posts: 1,652
    edited March 2016
    If you're the original owner Trek do a lifetime warranty which I think covers the fork.

    It's maybe just paint (mine did it at the top where the alloy steerer is bonded to the carbon legs - rubbed them back and just painted them black) but I would take it to the dealer first and see what they say. I can't imagine they have any of those left but they'll need to replace it with something.
    I'm left handed, if that matters.
  • bice
    bice Posts: 772
    I took it back to Evans, and there is a chance that Trek will replace.

    I agree with the comment about cracks: it looks like where the alloy dropouts would be bonded.

    I am not taking this down a hill at 45mph.