If you're looking for a bike fit in Kent...

johngti Posts: 2,508
edited March 2016 in Road buying advice
Try Duncan at http://www.thetrilife.com/what-we-do/bike-fit/

Went this morning, very impressed with the service. Made some big changes to my position so I obviously have to try it out on some rides but initial impression is good and I certainly don't feel that I'm in a more extreme position. Best bit? The price! £60. No rushing, no computers offering guidance. Duncan was happy to spend as long as I needed to get a decent position and offered some advice on improving my on-bike performance. Ignore the tri part!!


  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Just to update, I did a 63km/2000ft climbing ride yesterday morning (Sunday, the day after the bike fit) and everything seems to have worked well. My specific problems were a massive loss of power as soon as the road hit 5%+ and neck ache/knee pain. The good news is that the neck pain was reduced, the knee pain didn't happen and I didn't get dropped on the hills as quickly!

    The bad news is that the nasty, foggy dense air that was around north kent at stupid o'clock yesterday morning didn't do much to encourage a fast average and my muscles (having been made to work properly for a change!) are a bit sore this morning!!

    So my recommendation stands - great service, fantastic price
  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,224
    Can I ask what were the big changes he recommend, compared to how you had your bike set up previously?
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Seat up by 1.5cm and back by 1.5 cm (with a recommendation to give it a bit to get used to before moving the seat back a bit further - 2cm felt a bit too much) and the bars were rotated to a much flatter angle (had them turned up to help my neck).
  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,224
    So STI's further forward/lower as a result?
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Indeed! I'd fiddled with them last year inan attempt to ease my neck pain. I can only assume that my "crunched up" (for want of a better way of describing it!) was causing all sorts of muscle imbalance because the problem just wasn't there on Sunday. And it can't be down to riding more because I've been hopeless at getting out this year!!