Today's Thursday...

thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
edited March 2016 in The Crudcatcher
Morning Losers!

Rather boring night was had. I made chilli, that was the highlight.

Today, I might do some soldering. It's really dead at work, with not much to do. I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 and it's made my retard minion talk like there's no tomorrow! I'm almost regretting buying it.

Hopefully my SD card will arrive today and I can start playing with my Pi.

It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro


  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,955
    Morning all,
    I like pies, both sweet and savoury. Traditional Thursday morning slight hangover is in evidence, this is not helped by starting work an hour earlier than usual. The first cup of tea has been drunk, more will be needed before long. Not too much going on today, I have to fill out my self appraisal today before my review tomorrow. I hate filling out bollox like that. It's not as if anything will change as a result. Had to drive in again this morning as I'm going back to take the girl in to school later. Might ride back afterwards though.
    Onwards and upwards...
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • step83
    step83 Posts: 4,170
    Morning, yesterdays water has been replaced by many signs warning of water thats not there, the zombie hoards of children shuffling to school groaning away have mainly returned. Many general idiots on the road today sat for a good ten minutes trying to get out of mine. Anyway im in work an mainly bored after 13 minutes of it.

    TKM i keep getting tempted to get a newer one, ive still got a version 1B pi running a mini streamer it has a stutter now an again if you flick through too many files reckon its worth a plunge to upgrade?
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Plus one on the pies, sweet savoury and sometimes hairy but not all at the same time!

    Lovely sunny day in the alps so i'm off out skiing!

    Hope your work is as much fun as mine will be, until four when i turn back into a sullen miserable driver/chalet helper!

    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • bigmitch41
    bigmitch41 Posts: 685

    Beautiful day on the rock, has spring sprung?

    Chinese after work with the work colleagues, im sensing a full belly on tonight's homeward bound commute!

    2010 Specialized Tricross (commuter)
    2014 Whyte T129-S
    2016 Specialized Tarmac Ultegra Di2
    Big Mitch - YouTube
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,301
    In Birmingham living the dream

    Hope to get away at a decent time as I fancy the pub later
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Thursday ey? You know what that means. Tomorrow is Fryday.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • thekickingmule
    thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
    Step83 wrote:
    TKM i keep getting tempted to get a newer one, ive still got a version 1B pi running a mini streamer it has a stutter now an again if you flick through too many files reckon its worth a plunge to upgrade?
    At £35 for the Pi 3, it's not exactly breaking the bank. You can just take the SD card out of your old one, pop it in the new one and away you go! I'm planning on using one as an Ad Filter for all my devices (PiHole), a VPN server, a Media Server and a CCTV server. I'm not sure if one Pi can cope with all that, but at £35, I'll have dedicated servers if need be. If one falls over, the others keep running and it's a cheap repair (buy a new one).

    Speaking of pi, it's National Pie Week I believe. I too am a fan of all things pie!
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro