New Bike...What color bar tape?

Danbob312 Posts: 10
edited February 2016 in Road buying advice
So I ordered the Trek Domane 4.5. I am not a black bar tape guy. The whole bike is flat black, matte dnister black, which is like a grey, and viper red accents. Do I go with red lizard skins bar tape, grey lizard skins bar tape, or black/red lizard skins combo bar tape? Trivial, but I love details. All my bikes have always been carefully matched...I can;t decide with this one...1443000_2015_A_1_Domane_4_5_Compact?wid=3000&hei=2454&fmt=jpg&qlt=50,1&op_usm=0,0,0,0&iccEmbed=0&cache=on,on&bgc=247,247,247


  • Bar tape always has to be Black its the law.
  • Black red combo to match the bike
  • Match it to the saddle if you are going to change it.

    However, since the bike is already red/black themed, your choices is very limited.

    Black or grey, or red if you are changing to a black/red two-tone saddle.

    Once you go black...
    2015 Trek Domane 4.5 Disc
  • You're quite right about carefully matching it. And getting the details right.

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  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    You have an exciting opportunity to 'become a black tape guy'. It's the only way.
  • "Harlequin" effect grey/red by running tape colours in opposite rotations?

    Going back a few years on the forum, there were some cool photos of this effect.
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  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    It looks good as it is so leave it black.
  • Magem
    Magem Posts: 29
    Colour can always look a bit 'try hard' for me. Bontrager do a nice grey tape - Super tack. Similar to the lizard skins
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,112
    For me black is too safe a choice, too common, I hold my hands up to having it myself but if you want to choose a bar tape for looks it can't be black. On that bike red would be a little too flashy whilst 2 tone is trying just a little too hard, I'd go grey.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • For me black is too safe a choice, too common, I hold my hands up to having it myself but if you want to choose a bar tape for looks it can't be black. On that bike red would be a little too flashy whilst 2 tone is trying just a little too hard, I'd go grey.

    I actually had black on my giant tcr because it was copper orance and black. No bar tape matched other than black and the bike was so flashy that it just looked good with the black. Before that on my raleigh revenio 3.0 everything was lime green because the lettering on the bike was lime green. I too agree that the two tone bar tape might be a bit much. This may sound weird, but I don't feel like a fast enough rider to ride all red tape LOL. Plus from the looks of it, the red tape won't match the red accents on the bike. I think it is going to wind up being grey. I think you don't see grey bar tape enough, and it will just set the bike apart from the rest enough to make it stand out a bit. I am freaking out excited about it coming in this week.