Kuota Kom

markkwj Posts: 44
edited February 2016 in Road buying advice
Im looking at upgrading my bike. I like the look the of the Kuota KOM and have found a few older reviews. Does anyone own one who would give me their honest thoughts on it. I'll try and get a test ride on one soon but would like to hear from owners.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Kuota Don't make the KOM any more so unless you have seen one in the flesh your size you may struggle to get one new.

    It was replaced by the Khan which looks a bit flashy in comparison. It also has a better looking down tube which was huge on the KOM and kind of put me off it.
  • I know they don't make it anymore. I've been in contact with my LBS to see if they can still get hold of one in my size.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I wouldn't get your hopes up. If they were a more common brand then you may be in luck but they are not as numerous as say a Specialized or a Giant which would mean they are pretty easy to get hold of. The fewer the company produces the fewer you will ever see once they are no longer in circulation. Chances are you would have had a wait in ordering if it were brand new 2016 bike. The fact its no longer made makes it even more unlikely to find. Add to this if there is a problem with it that may require warranty replacement you could have a very hard time getting it swapped 1 for 1.

    I had to get a warranty repacement Bianchi frame a few years back and they took ages to source a frame for me that was the same as I had. This was a Sempre Pro which is still made today so its not always a case of Kuota looking in the stock shed for an older model.