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  • GOT books disappointed me, prefer the tv show as its been rewritten by people with a clue.. essentially the ideas are good, but let down by the writing of a fat sweaty man, with average writing skills who has never been in a fight, or had sex.. and his desperation to experience these things colour the book IMO.

    reading some Terry Brookes at the moment, right up my alley ;)

    All entitled to opinion, mine is that GOT is awesome, much better than the tv show. They left out too many important parts of the story in the show, the wolves feature hugely in the books.
  • FishFish
    FishFish Posts: 2,152
    Read, in half a day'The Good Father' by Noah Hawley. The review at the back says '...it explodes like a hand grenade with a force that drives the breath from your body...' (ie nothing like any post I've ever made.)

    Fantastic book it starts with dad opening the door to the police - his son has just killed the next president of the usa.

    ...hope that it was not incautious to have posted that in these days of internet monitoring.

    ...take your pickelf on your holibobs.... :D

    jeez :roll: