Specialized langster 2012 headset

stefano Posts: 254
edited February 2016 in Workshop
I have got a Cane Creek headset that the top bearing is 41mm wide and 6.5 mm tall, but is too low inside the frame. Has anyone changed the headset in a Langster 2012 bike? What headset should I buy?


  • Headsets are here

    http://service.specialized.com/collater ... 3_RevB.pdf

    Sounds like you may need a shim washer (or two) though, how low is it?
  • stefano
    stefano Posts: 254
    I bought one with exactly the dimensions that Specialised gives? I would say it sits 3mm deeper in the frame.
  • Mmm ... 3mm is lot for those little headset shim washers to resolve. Don't mean to be cheeky but are you sure the crown race and split ring etc are all there and correct?

    If they are could you use a spacer? Or get a 3mm deeper bearing? Sorry clutching at straws here cause when I did my Spesh bike I couldn't find 6.3mm deep bearings so used 6.5 and dispensed with the shim washers that had been there oem. Works perfectly and everything fits better than it did as sold!
  • stefano
    stefano Posts: 254
    I did check, I found more reviews from people with the same problem with specialized bikes. The bearing sits too deep in the frame! They all bought it after checking the cane creek web site for specific specialized bikes. Can I add spacers, any other brand that could match a Langster 2012 frame?