Any suggestions as to what might be making this noise?

prhymeate Posts: 795
edited June 2016 in Workshop

It only started after I washed my bike after a particularly muddy ride. It doesn't happen when I turn the pedals and I'm not on the bike, only when I'm cycling and have more force on it from my legs. It doesn't change at all when I switch gears.
I've since taken off the cassette and cleaned it all, same for the chain and all the front/rear derailleur. I've also greased my pedals and tightened the bolts on the front chain ring/crank. I've never really gone much further than that when it comes to fixing my bike so don't really know what to do next and probably don't have the tools for it, but I was hoping for a couple of pointers. Something to do with the BB perhaps? Any help would be appreciated.


  • LeeDa
    LeeDa Posts: 82
    next step would be to pop the cranks and BB out, regrease and re-install .Also pop the headset bearings out and regrease. To me it sounds like a very dry BB or possibly completely worn out, due to the creaking being seemingly in time with your pedal stroke.

    I doubt it but as its easy to do pop out the seatpost I would re-grease or reapply carbon past. I would also grease the seatpost clamp bolt threads.

    If it doesnt seem to be any of those remove all fixing bolts, re-grease and correctly torque.
  • LeeDa wrote:
    next step would be to pop the cranks and BB out, regrease and re-install .Also pop the headset bearings out and regrease. To me it sounds like a very dry BB or possibly completely worn out, due to the creaking being seemingly in time with your pedal stroke.

    I doubt it but as its easy to do pop out the seatpost I would re-grease or reapply carbon past. I would also grease the seatpost clamp bolt threads.

    If it doesnt seem to be any of those remove all fixing bolts, re-grease and correctly torque.

    Thanks for the advice. I'll have to look into getting the tools to remove the cranks and BB. It shouldn't be too worn as it's fairly new but we'll see.
  • photonic69
    photonic69 Posts: 3,219
    I had very similar noises. It turned out to be the non drive crank. It was simple to take it off, clean and regrease the mating faces and tighten up again. Quiet as a church mouse now.



    Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.

  • Thanks again for the replies. I actually just got back from my lbs after going there to see what they thought. They went through everything and seemed to think it might be a problem with the frame as they had another customer who had a similar problem with the same bike model (Rose Xeon). He said that although all the manuals you could ever read would suggest it was the bottom bracket, as far as he could tell the bb was ok. He said that it was clicking slightly with just a bit of lateral pressure on either side of the crank, so it wasn't just when pedalling or putting vertical pressure on it as you'd expect if it was the bb.

    I guess I'm going to have to email Rose and see what they say.
  • I know someone who had problems with a similar noise on a Rose Xeon. Just wondering if this is the same hike your LBS is talking about. You are not North Yorks are you by any chance? in which case I will know your LBS who couldn't sort the problem. In the end the noise was coming from the rear wheel. Have you tried an alternative rear wheel?
  • Plodder73 wrote:
    I know someone who had problems with a similar noise on a Rose Xeon. Just wondering if this is the same hike your LBS is talking about. You are not North Yorks are you by any chance? in which case I will know your LBS who couldn't sort the problem. In the end the noise was coming from the rear wheel. Have you tried an alternative rear wheel?

    No I'm not, I'm down in SW London. I haven't tried an alternative rear wheel but cheers for the suggestion. I'll give it a go before sending it off just to be sure, but the noise is almost definitely coming from the bb area.
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    Seat post creaking in the frame ? If so, a smear of copper grease is the answer. To test, see if creak disappears when you're riding out of the saddle.
  • ravey1981
    ravey1981 Posts: 1,111
    knees need greasing....
  • LeeDa
    LeeDa Posts: 82
    I forgot to mention one of the most common source of creaks - skewers and they can creak in relation to pedal revolution. Undo them and tighten them up. If the creak goes or reduces and soon comes back then it's probably the skewers. If it doesnt come back then obviously solved. Some skewers I always have problems with - I have a set of Campag ones that are a bit prone to creaking so theyre off the bike.
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Borrow some wheels an swap over - with different skewers. Should be a quicker test than breaking components down.

    Also, unweight the bars when you're going along to see if that helps. If it does, then it may be headset or stem (seems odd but a friend had exactly the same type of creak - swore it was coming from the back - was the stem).
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Take a water bottle out with you filled with nothing but water. When the noise starts squirt some water on what you perceive as the source of the noise. Water will act like a lubricant for a short period. If this stops the noise you've found your problem and can re-grease it at home. If it doesn't stop it go to another likely culprit like the stem / handlebar/ fork clamp / headset spacers area. Still no luck? Try the seat rails and seat post clamp area. In short try any area where two pieces of metal are clamped together.
  • "It doesn't happen when I turn the pedals and I'm not on the bike, only when I'm cycling and have more force on it from my legs".
    Have you tried seeing if it disappears when you freewheel? It could be cleats/pedals? Give them a quick spray with GT85 & see what happens?
    Boardman 8.9 SLR - Summer
    Holdsworth La Quelda - Commuter
    Moda Intro - Winter
    Planet X Stealth - TT
  • prhymeate
    prhymeate Posts: 795
    Hi, OP here.

    Just an update... So I took the bike to the London Bike Show in Feb to give to the UK based Rose rep. He took it back with him, took the BB apart reassembled it and sent it back to me. Within about 20 miles the noise was back so I contacted Rose in Germany who asked me to send it to them. I sent it off, 3 weeks later it returned and everything had been perfect since.

    It's my best bike so I only ever ride it in the dry, until the weekend where I was caught in a massive downpour. Today I took the bike out and the creaking is back (the first time was right after washing my bike, could it be water related?). It's exactly the same noise at exactly the same point in the pedal stroke etc etc. I've greased my cleats and pedals and will give it another once over when I have time tomorrow but I think it's the bb again.

    Is it time I pushed to get the frame replaced? I did mention it when I sent it to Germany but they said I didn't need one. When I took it to my LBS the first time, the guy said they'd had another Rose in with the same problem that kept happening and they'd never gotten to the bottom of it. I'm dreading the idea of going back and forth and being without the bike for weeks again this summer...
  • prhymeate
    prhymeate Posts: 795
    FWIW, Rose are sending a new frame to their guy in the UK so hopefully I'll only be without my bike for a week or so.
  • campag531
    campag531 Posts: 18
    check the saddle rails, clamp and fixing bolt are all clean and greased.
  • I have a very similar problem with my wilier frame. It's the same as you describe only when I apply force or out the saddle. I've had the bb replaced recently and it disappeared for a day but it's back again.

    I've learnt to ignore it but would be good to find out why it happens! Sorry that I can't more helpful