My First Road Bike for Commuting.

AndromedaTheM31 Posts: 13
edited February 2016 in Road buying advice
My First Road Bike for Commuting.
After almost non stop 6 months of search/Quest I think I have finally found My First Road Bike for Commuting.

It seems to tick all the box (Commuting friendly, Very good brakes, Value for money, Good group set, Bike shed friendly compared to carbon bikes, Cycle scheme, Price range I was after in and around £1000 ) other than aesthetics/Brand name :D
Its seems to give loads of bank for the bucks .
The only thing that is stopping me to buy this immediately is Its not in sale currently. 10% or 15 % sale would do the trick for me. Do you guys think its wise to wait for few more weeks/months for it to be on sale? I have board man Hybrid currently for commuting....

Or Should I go to 2015 model which is on sale currently . (BB30 puts me off on this one and I don't like the color...)

Thanking you in advance...
