Need Tips For Epic Ride

timpaynter Posts: 6
edited March 2016 in Tour & expedition
What a great forum this is! I need tips for my ride from Vancouver to Mexico along the Pacific Coast. Where are the best attractions on bikes?: Any ideas for how I manage my electrical devices along the way? How long does this route take (about 1,850 miles?) My ride is in support of cycling as a sport, in the building of bike paths, and bike safety.

I am planning on this trip starting in MAY, is that too early, too cold for Oregon?

I hope to go as a #beablackburnranger2016. The competition is fierce, but my heart is here and I hope the sponsors can see it! Please take a look at my video application, It is not my intent to violate any forum rules, so only want feedback about my trip and maybe a little help gaining the support of my sponsor. The photo is my bike set-up as I have it today, it has taken me far, but would be better to do it on more capable equipment. Still, to be out there is really something, and one way or another, I am determined to come meet all of you!

Thanks for the info, there is always something to be learned in these great adventures!


  • Trivia
    Trivia Posts: 12
    Ha, just posted the same sort of question. Im planning for July. Seems i'll expect no answers. However, i did order a book about bicycling the pacific coast, try googling, plenty available used. Have fun!