Best non-GPS ANT+ computer for PM?

mr.b-campag Posts: 419
edited January 2016 in Road buying advice

I've just upgraded my old powertap 2.4 to the ANT+ protocol (thanks to a kind gentleman on BR) and am looking to get a new head unit. They key functionality I am after is being able to see it in the dark, and ideally display the TSS metric as well as the usual current power, speed, hr etc. Obv. I want to be able to get the data off the device onto e.g. Training Peaks. I don't want a gps compatible device, nor do I want to use a phone (assuming that were possible).

What do people suggest? A joule 2.0 does all this but is kinda clunky and old school (and expensive). Can a Joule 1.0 also display TSS and does it have good night time visibility? Any other models/makes I should be looking at e.g. bontrager node, Cateye etc?

Thanks for your time.


  • Really, no one has an opinion on this?
  • Really, no one has an opinion on this?

    Garmin 500 is probably your best cost option. It does GPS but you don't have to use it, though why you would not want to as part of your TP analytics I'm not sure.
    Live to ski
    Ski to live
  • nicklong
    nicklong Posts: 231
    I can't imagine there would be a market to develop an ANT+ computer without GPS, given it is just a £5 chip if that.

    As the response above, any Garmin after the Edge 500 would work. A number of the smaller ANT+ computers from Lezyne, Cateye and Bryton will show most of what you want but not live TSS.

    I've wondered about the TSS metric, is this something that is really useful to know on-the-fly?
  • A small Garmin sounds perfect. I like to know TSS on rides when I am running up to an event snd working to a specific TSB plan.

    You will have to explain your "no GPS" stance to get further input I suspect.
  • Thanks for the replies everyone,

    The 'no GPS' stance has two dimensions - one I'm just not interested in the data it provides; most of my riding is either the commute or SST on the turbo with only one longer ride (maybe two later in the year) at the weekend. Secondly I just don't like the idea of being tracked everywhere I go (even paranoids have enemies!) and I imagine even if you are not using the functionality it will still be operating in the background.

    As for TSS I'm inclined towards over-training and having an accurate measure of what I've done helps me keep my CTL ramp rate in a place where I know I can remain healthy.

    I'll look into Lezyne, Cateye and Bryton. Perhaps there are older Garmin models I could get hold of second hand that would have the TSS metric but not GPS? Otherwise I guess the Joule 2.0 would be best.
  • Thanks for the replies everyone,

    The 'no GPS' stance has two dimensions - one I'm just not interested in the data it provides; most of my riding is either the commute or SST on the turbo with only one longer ride (maybe two later in the year) at the weekend. Secondly I just don't like the idea of being tracked everywhere I go (even paranoids have enemies!) and I imagine even if you are not using the functionality it will still be operating in the background.

    As for TSS I'm inclined towards over-training and having an accurate measure of what I've done helps me keep my CTL ramp rate in a place where I know I can remain healthy.

    I'll look into Lezyne, Cateye and Bryton. Perhaps there are older Garmin models I could get hold of second hand that would have the TSS metric but not GPS? Otherwise I guess the Joule 2.0 would be best.

    Just turn the GPS on the Garmin off then. Garmin units are receivers, not transmitters.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    As above- the GPS can be switched off easily in the Menu - I turn(ed) it off for when (once) I use(d) the turbo with it to receive HR and cadence
  • dowtcha
    dowtcha Posts: 442
    Or just leave the GPS on and don't upload your rides to GPS tracking sites.
  • Ok thanks everyone; sounds like a Garmin is the way to go. I wish they still made the 500 as that would be the one I would be inclined to go for. Oh well, there's always ebay...
  • dowtcha
    dowtcha Posts: 442
    edited January 2016
    Check out handteck, very good prices and you get a 12 month warranty.