Powertap P1 and Garmin Edge 800

MJS996 Posts: 20
edited January 2016 in Road buying advice
Hi - I am close to deciding on Powertap P1 pedals, simple question - do I need a dedicated head unit, or can I use my Edge 800. If so, do I get a screen on the Edge showing real time power, or do I only get that when I download post-ride?


  • JackPozzi
    JackPozzi Posts: 1,191
    Hi - I am close to deciding on Powertap P1 pedals, simple question - do I need a dedicated head unit, or can I use my Edge 800. If so, do I get a screen on the Edge showing real time power, or do I only get that when I download post-ride?

    Yes, should work with 800. Be aware though, firmware updates for the pedals are done via an app that is only availble on ios at the moment so if you use android or windows (or nothing) it's a bit of a PITA to update. Not that they releasing updates every 5 minutes but it's taken the shine off my very expensive pedals for me!
  • MJS996
    MJS996 Posts: 20
    Thanks - I'm iOS anyway so that shouldn't be a problem..

    Do you get proper readings from each leg? I have an old issue with my left knee, so keen to see where the differences are between right and left
