Yet another wheel thread

JesseD Posts: 1,961
edited January 2016 in Road buying advice
Apologies for yet another wheels thread but I have used the search function but can’t seem to find an answer to my question so thought I would start yet another one (searched Carbon wheels, heavier rider, heavy rider etc).

I am looking to purchase a pair of carbon wheels to race on this year, I probably don’t need them admittedly but I fancy a pair so thought why not, I am around 85kg and I know a lot of people will say lose weight etc but given my build, any lighter than 80kg and I look to skinny (I have a rugby bods build unfortunately).

The type of racing I will be doing is mainly circuit/crit racing and undulating road races (very hilly ones are not my forte as I get dropped by the lightweight racing snakes out there) so whilst weight is a factor it’s not major given my weight etc.

There are plenty of options out there but for my budget I am struggling to find something that fits my criteria which is:

Around 60mm deep
Full carbon clincher (thought about tubs but think clinchers have come along so much that I might as well go for a pair to race on)
Laterally stiff (so don’t flex under heavy load of sprinting or out the saddle efforts.
Will take my 85kg weight
Minimal decals (pref all black/dark grey)
Max budget £1000

I have 2 sets of training wheels (one winter and one summer) so these will be for racing and some poncing about on the Sunday club runs when the weather is nice.

What would you advise?
Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
