Carbon Frame & Impact Damage

JohnLaverick Posts: 4
edited January 2016 in MTB general
Hi everyone,

Managed to do this to my Cube Elite SHPC at the weekend (3rd ride out on it!), an innocuous section of paving slab flicked up and impacted the underside of the down tube. The damage appears to be confined to the thick clearcoat / paint with some minor carbon strand damage, there is no abnormal flex to the area and no obvious cracks through the wall. I rode it for another 25km after the damage happened with no adverse effects.



Bike shop 1 said - they'd not worry to much about it from a structural point of view, they'd do a light sand of the damage then apply epoxy over the top to re-seal/protect - £20.
BIke shop 2 said - again not too worried structurally but due to a few broken strands would add a couple of layers of matting to strengthen - £100.

I'm just looking for some second opinions (ideally from people have experience repairing these frames) on what to do in terms of repair as although I've been to a couple of bike shops I'm not convinced they have that much experience. Do I:

1. Light sand myself then apply white paint over the top
2. As bike shop 1, sand then epoxy to protect.
3. Strip frame and send to a professional carbon repair specialist

I'm not bothered about aesthetics but just want it structurally sound.
