Cannondale CAAD 8 sora or Specialized Allez E5

usfatl Posts: 7
edited January 2016 in Road buying advice
My 14 year old son is starting to get a little serious about road racing. He is looking to buy his 1st real road bike. We have done some research and test rides and he as narrowed it down to The Cannondale or the Specialized. Both are available locally and are within $20.00 of each other in price. Both are sold by very reputable local bike shops in our community. Which would you advise and why that particular one over the other.
Any help you can lend will be appreciated.


  • TerryCTR
    TerryCTR Posts: 143
    Both decent bikes but I would pick the cannondale for the fact it comes with sora as the allez only has 8 speed Claris and out of the two it is the better bike
    Giant Propel Advanced Pro 2
  • usfatl
    usfatl Posts: 7
    Actually, The E5 at the local bike shop has a complete Sora setup accept for the crakset. It is SRAM
  • TerryCTR
    TerryCTR Posts: 143
    Then it has to come down to which shift mechanism he prefers
    Giant Propel Advanced Pro 2
  • usfatl
    usfatl Posts: 7
    As a follow up. I now have firm quotes for both bikes (with one little twist). The Cannondale CAAD 8 is $800.00 flat (but this bike has the Tiagra groupset. The Specialied Allez E5 sport has the Sora groupset and is $675.00 flat. The question is, is the Tiagra worth $125.00 more?
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Probably not in isolation - but that would be the consideration if everything else was like for like. What are the wheels/tyres? They may add up to a bit extra on one.

    But I think it's going to boil down to which on your son prefers the look of.
  • usfatl
    usfatl Posts: 7
    for the reply. The Cannondale has Maddux RS 3.0 Speed 32 hole wheels and Schwalbe Lugano 700 x25 tires. The Specialized has Axis Classic 1.0 wheels and Specialized Espoir Sport 6TPI 700 x 25 tires.
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Much of a muchness with the wheels then
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    Was is the CAAD model - that was so stiff - it was great for crit racing, but no really a training or beginners bike ? - was a few years back though.
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    I've got a CAAD 8 - a great beginners bike. If the ride was harsh - it was probably down to the wheels more than anything.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    The Spesh E5 is a great frame. I have the 2011 and use it as my standard that is up 6,000 miles a year with rides in all weathers including fast 20+ club thrashes and long (100 mile+) solo jaunts...and it ticks all the boxes. Riding with decent wheels (Zondas) and tyres (Schwalbe One in 25mm) at the right pressure and it really comes together as a good bike.

    As above though, I reckon it is now down to letting your lad having a looksy at both and picking the one he likes. That will be worth more than all the guff I can write :)
  • singleton
    singleton Posts: 2,523
    Personally, I'd probably go with the cannondale.

    But, if he bought the Specialized, he could always sell the standard wheels unused - add that money to the $125 saved and he may have $200 that he could use to get some better wheels.
  • kajjal
    kajjal Posts: 3,380
    Either would be fine, best to let him choose which he prefers so he will want to ride it.

    Second hand bikes in good condition can be better value.
  • usfatl
    usfatl Posts: 7
    Thanks for the replies. My son is new to a road bike but has been riding my Specialized mountain bike for over a year now. It is far to big for him (me being 6' 3") but he handles it well. I thin either of these roade bikes would be easy for him. We are lucky to live in the "Silver Comet Trail" an old railroad bed that has been paved. It goes basically from our back year for 94.9 un-interrupted mile to the middle of the state of Alabama. He like both bikes equally, I am just struggling with the decision as to weather the Tiagra is worth the extra $125.00 over the Specialized's Sora.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Use the force...or in this case your son. They are both very good bikes so let him pick without going into all the stuff about Tiagra and Sora (both work well and setting them up correctly will make more difference than anything else).

    If your son picks the Spesh then there is a good idea suggested above of selling the wheels unused and then adding the cash to the $125 you will save to buy something like Zondas. If your son picks the Caad, then you can stick good wheels and tyres onto his birthday list but not having them will not hold him back.

    Get the wallet out mate!
  • usfatl
    usfatl Posts: 7
    Thanks Guy's,
    I just bought my son the Cannondale CAAD8 Tiagra. Got, what I think is a great deal at $740.00 allin, out the door. Found a really honest guy LBS that was completely transparent about the transaction. Thank you all for your input.
  • That is the same question that was bothering me last year.
    I went with the Caad 8 as Cannondale is known for its aluminum bikes and because all of my friends are using Specialized... I just had to be different. :lol:

    I never regretted getting the Caad 8 over the Allez. I have done alot of miles on it for more than a year and never had problems with it. Hope your son will like it.