Arion elite rollers

matt21 Posts: 71
edited December 2015 in Workshop
Hi all

Hope this is the appropriate place for this post.
I've been given some Arion rollers which are great and a nice change from the turbo, but there's a bad "rumble" like going over cobbles all the time. I've tried different bikes and wheels but the result is the same.
On close inspection it looks like the left side of the rearmost roller is fractionally off centre whereas the right side looks perfectly true.
Just wondering if anyone else has had similar problems or if it its just unlucky, send back for exchange?

Thanks in advance...


  • rumbataz
    rumbataz Posts: 796
    It may be the case that the rollers aren't screwed in properly. There are plastic covers for the bolt holes which you can prise off with a flat-blade screwdriver. Then (from memory) you're need an allen key to undo the bolts that secure the rollers onto the frame - there are bolts on either side of the each roller. You can then remove the roller and refit it properly - tighten the bolts securely.

    You also need to measure the exact distance from wheelhub to wheelhub of your bike and ensure that the distance between the centres of the rollers is identical or just a touch more - there's a ruler marking on the top of the frame (front-left). You need to undo the front roller bolts, take the roller out and insert it into the correct position to match your bike size (wheelhub to wheelhub or just over).

    Make sure the elastic band is not damaged - this slots into a groove on the left or right side of the rollers.

    You should fold the rollers slightly to get the elastic band located into the grooves on the rollers and then straighten the frame. At this point the elastic band should be under tension and you should be able to spin the rollers using just your hand - the rollers should spin quietly and smoothly.

    As mentioned, check that the bolts for the rollers are screwed in tight and that the front roller is in the correct slot in terms of distance.
  • matt21
    matt21 Posts: 71
    Thanks for that - all checked a few times. Bolts tightened etc but still the same....
  • rumbataz
    rumbataz Posts: 796
    One of the roller bearings may be worn out. Are you able to freely spin the rollers with the elastic band attached by hand?
  • matt21
    matt21 Posts: 71
    Yep - they're brand new and the axles seem fine. Have spoken to Wiggle and they say sounds like a fault so I've arranged for an exchange. Thanks for the help though.
  • rumbataz
    rumbataz Posts: 796
    Hope you get them replaced as they are fantastic rollers.