The Last Monday of the Year Thread...

thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
edited December 2015 in The Crudcatcher
Morning Losers!

I think it's Monday, I'm losing track to be honest.

Met up with some old school friends last night and had beer then wine (so that's fine... though i don't feel it) and a curry. It was a good night out.

Today, I'm moving back to da Hudd for a few days. I have no plans really, I have been trying to make them, but I have failed

It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro


  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,511
    No work Monday, so I'm going for run then washing the bikes. Will probably end up blocking the drains witb several pounds of Welsh mud. Then its more jobs and packing for the long haul North tomorrow.

    For now its coffee time.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,301
    Having a kid free morning as they stayed over at my mothers last night so we could go to a party, it was excessive but nothing compared to the 5.30 finish the day before.

    Today should be ale free for the sake of my liver - but I doubt it
  • step83
    step83 Posts: 4,170
    Morning, sod all occurring today, over the road have some kind of family event so if I go out I wont get my car back in which buggered my plans up for the day so likely just fettle a model a bit more then go an faff in the garage.

    Le Model if your curious


  • Le Model if your curious


    Le Models are horrible, last one I attempted was a Revell space shuttle (1:144) geeked up on it bought a haynes manual on it, spent loads on the paints. But the shuttle wouldn't fit together good (Boosters and fuel tank were fine) so after lots of filling and sanding on the shuttle I left it out. Went on Holiday and my cat thought it was her new toy so chewed the tail. In the bin it went.

    Still need to get a new one as was wanting to do a shuttle launch diorama.
  • Morning, sod all occurring today, over the road have some kind of family event so if I go out I wont get my car back in which buggered my plans up for the day so likely just fettle a model a bit more then go an faff in the garage.

    Le Model if your curious


    Nice to see someone else with an interest in model making, since moving away to university, I abandoned most of mine. This has been on the go since June 2012


    Current fleet
    2015 Transition Scout
    2012 Nukeproof Scalp
    2016 Genesis Latitude
    2012 Transition Double
    2012 Transition Trail or Park

    2006 Trek SL1000
    2017 Fly Proton
    ???? Create Polo Bike
  • That is a long time for a Porsche. Not done a car yet, done Moto Gp bikes, aircraft and helicopters, can never seem to get the weathering just right.
  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
    Morning, sod all occurring today, over the road have some kind of family event so if I go out I wont get my car back in which buggered my plans up for the day so likely just fettle a model a bit more then go an faff in the garage.

    Le Model if your curious


    I think it looks nice M8
  • Currently working on/repairing a Black hawk 1/18 after it decided to fall of the wall.

    And yes that is a CD case.

  • step83
    step83 Posts: 4,170
    That is a big Blackhawk!

    Clockworkmark, The Revell ones known to be a bit naff on fitting its usually a lot of file an fill with that.

    Codfather, ive a stack of WW2 models to build which I keep adding to. Recently bought a Pz.Sfl. IVc which is basically a tracked flak 88 with an absurd amount of detail now eyeing up more more detail parts for it and metal tracks.
    Heres what it looks like

    From memory I have eight other tanks one car two bikes five planes all waiting to be built. Worst are the Jadgtiger and T28 Superheavy. The jadgtiger has a ton of PE parts full interior an metal track set. The T28 ive been building on an off for a year took me most of that to build the wheels an tracks 16 wheelsets each with independent suspension and four runs of rubber track which needed over 400 3mm track pins fitting :|
  • Bloody hell, I thought tracks in 1/72 were enough work... All of my armour work is in small scale, but I have been meaning to try something in 1/35. Have never used PE, but it's on my hitlist within the next few years. Trouble with shared housing and university is a lack of time and space in which to set up a bench. I'm awful for starting kits, currently have 6 cars, two planes (inc. new tooling Dambusters Lancaster) and a bike on the go with no end in sight for any of them.
    Most recent two scale scale armour: Leopard 2A6M and Challenger I


    Current fleet
    2015 Transition Scout
    2012 Nukeproof Scalp
    2016 Genesis Latitude
    2012 Transition Double
    2012 Transition Trail or Park

    2006 Trek SL1000
    2017 Fly Proton
    ???? Create Polo Bike
  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    No tanks for me sadly! Just work, last working day tomorrow for 4 days, back for a week then off for two, thank fark!
  • I like them big haha models of course.

    Still wanting to do a shuttle but not sure I will get the Revell one again, the mold on the shuttle was whack. Annoying as I spent close to £100 on the paints and finishing bits.

    Glad to see I am not the only geek here. But my geek radar went of today when I seen original Thunderbirds on Sky boxsets.